Well we have reached the end of semester, YAY!!! This semester has been really difficult being that this was my first year of college for me I didn’t have a normal experience like all students who finish high school will have. Nevertheless, it helped me grow both as a scholar and writer this term. Well to start of I had to cope with studying online it was something very difficult if I’m being totally honest sometimes it was hard to pay attention even though it can be like that when we go regular to school. However, this time teacher’s wouldn’t know if we are there or pay attention at all. Another thing is teacher’s aren’t really at your disposal to help you right there and then. When I was at school personally I could easily go up to them and ask but remotely is something that can’t be done so comfortably. However, it also taught me other ways to learn the material we are being taught , activities we can do so the lesson won’t be so boring and no slacking off handing everything at time even at a specific time. Making me having to learn to be punctual. When it comes to writing  I learned the different ways to write, using articles that were given to us. That we have similar problems with previous writers when it comes to quoting and making drafts etc.

I can use what I have used this term and transfer that knowledge to my other writing situations. One example is in my law class I’ll have a lot of writing to do that with the help of the articles that where presented to me it really helped me with how I should write for our readers, how to organized, words I should use, tone and so much more. An example is the article, Annoying Ways People Use Sources by Kyle Stedman , Kyle Stedman said “The easiest way to effectively massage in quotations is by purposefully returning to each one in your draft to see if you set the stage for your readers—often, by signaling that a quote is about to come, stating who the quote came from, and showing how your readers should interpret it. In the above example, that could be done by introducing the quotation with something like this (new text bolded).” This was one quote that sticked with me how I should always introduced  my quote, tell my reader who said the  quote and then interpret it. Which is what I do every time from now on and with my previous drafts.

I also said in a previous post “One example is a paragraph beginning with a quote or closed with a quote this can be said as having no guidance to whoever is reading your writing. The writer doesn’t elaborate what they meant with that specific quote and why they choose it for their topic.” I don’t want my reader to be confused with what they have read and more importantly with what they have read of mines. I want them to understand why I chose the quote I did and placed it in my writing, also elaborating to clarify my reader of any doubts they can possibly have.