Science Magazine Features Page (1)
Author’s Statement
I became interested in the topic because when I was in middle school and they began to teaching me about astronomy and the famous scientist behind the discoveries to the world and their contribution to science it made me be intrigued on this subject. My inspirations at some point was to go into space and find out what’s out their, make a discovery myself and be recognized as a world famous female scientist. The pieces all fit together because it’s something that still intrigues me until this day and a dream I still wish to fulfill but I know it’s something that needs to be really understood and good in science and math which I’m not.
The audience I’m trying to reach for Unit two is teens that are into science I decided upon this because if any one who could be interested on this topic will be teens that are into science. Since they would be the ones that will be wanting to go into that field and study astronomy or become a astronomer, a famous scientist who discovered something. The genre I decided would be best to reach that audience is a magazine because it’s something where anyone that wants to know what’s up in the science world, new finding, will either look it up in the news, a magazine, articles or journals. I decided to talk about this particular aspect of my research so whoever is reading this magazine will have a motivation to say “I want to be the one who solves this question” like I did. The purpose of my piece is to inform whoever is reading that this theory won’t go away until someone says if the multiverse is truth or not and what has been discovered until now and what is left to be discovered.
It went good I used Canva along with one of there templets so I can follow and the information I think is more important and appropriate to use. The pitfalls of working with this genre is it can be hard sometimes understanding what the scientist are trying to say because after all it’s contains scientific terms. I learned that it doesn’t have to be long just as long as you include what’s will be important and interesting for the readers to read. I was surprised of what I did can be seen part of my magazine. The most difficult as usual is the grammar and where should I write what I wrote.
There’s a lot of complicated information about the multiverse out there, and I felt my job in this assignment was to make this information accessible to my audience. One thing I did to make the information understandable was to use the templates I found on Canva, which are visually pleasing. Also, because the language scientists use is very difficult, I had to spend some time figuring out which scientific words to include and how to explain those words. I was surprised to see how well this worked and how good the magazine looked. I still have some concerns about my grammar, as usual. I would have done nothing differently just improve the organization of my magazine.
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