Science Magazine Features Page

Who is the audience of that mentor text? Would they also be interested in your project for Unit 3 (they should be!)

The audience of the mentor text is teens  who are into science. They will also be interested in my project because the mentor text was about black holes, in the section of astronomy so my topic of the multiverse also fits in the section of the astronomy.

Look at the intro of that mentor text– or if it’s something like a website, etc.. look at how the designers got the viewers interested– how do the writers “hook” the readers?  Can you learn anything about how to hook your readers from this text?)

The writers hook the readers is by it’s wording how they said the black holes isn’t something that has a precise definition but being the article short the text itself explained everything they believed the reader must know about. As well as the website it has a variety of sections and when you click astronomy it has a bunch or articles to read from but with a very interesting pictures to see first and then we have to click to see what is the picture about. I learned from this is how the colors impact and how that can help impact my engaging readers to read what I have wrote if I put both and it doesn’t generally have to be lengthy just as long as I get the most crucial information telling them what I think is important.

How are they using formatting or visuals?  Are they using pictures? Headings? Subtitles? Etc… Will this help you in your own formatting?

They are using both one is visual a picture when you click the website you see a bunch of  picture then when you click the picture you can see the article. Then is the format how lengthy it can be they are mostly short it even says in the end how long it will take a person to read it. Yes this will help me writing my own format because I can put both pictures and the how I will format my paragraphs.