National Institute on Drug Abuse, Lexie. “Substance Use and Military Life DrugFacts.” National Institute on Drug Abuse, 9 Nov. 2020, 


The readers of this mentor-writing are mostly young Youth of the United States and this is interesting because this article has many important tactics to tell about the soldiers. 


I believe the writer hooks the reader by being moral about the force level of the soldiers where ever they stationed. “The stresses of deployments and the unique culture of the military offer both risks and protective factors related to substance use among active-duty personnel.1 Deployment is associated with smoking initiation, healthy drinking, drug use, and risky behaviors ”. I learned from this how the author grows orderly to the important factors that relate to the soldier’s deployment.


Yes, the author is using a composition that holds numbers for the most significant to least important. In addition to the format, the writer also used photographs and that is very attractive. Everything in the article is well established. Hence I think this article will help me to write up an article.