While reading the article I was able to learn a few things for example the more you accept the pickiness of readers the more your writing can be changed where people can actually get the point that you are trying to prove.  I was also able to know what a convention was a particular way that something is done in the text he says ” Notice that I’m not saying that there’s a particular right or wrong way to use convention in my writing—if the modern U.S. academic system had evolved from a primarily African or Asian or Latin American cultural consciousness instead of a European one, conventions for writing would probably be very different. That’s why they’re conventions and not rules”.  I never though that deep when it came to reading or writing. I have a few  quotes that I had used in my unit three writing and ones of them came to mind when I was reading the article and it was from a Ted Talk spoken by Terri Orbuch and she was talking about differentiating love from lust and as she was explaining the difference I was very surprised at what I was hearing because there are so many ways that heart break could have been prevented. While describing love in a relationship I started to realize how much I don’t really see the signs in the relationships that I have seen around me , one of the signs was ” Love is when  you guys are intertwined and no longer just about one person its we” , the reason why this quote touched me is because of the fact that in relationships today you hear the couple talk more about the significant other by themselves and not about the both of them together being that they are in this together.  Because like people say there is no I in team.