Hall English 1101 Fall 2020

The Proposal

The thing I want to teach my audience and the most important thing I learned is the multiverse has scientist wondering what’s real? and what’s not? However, this theory isn’t really something that scientist or astronomers are going to disregard that easy most  scientist say or see it as something that makes sense when it comes to explaining the wonders of the universe. It will be something that until not proven otherwise will remain as the only explanation. The audience I’m trying to reach are teens who are into science, astronomy anything in the science or math field.

The genre I’m planing to write this is a magazine I choose this because many people who love and are interested to know more about new discoveries on NASA or anything related to science and math they tend to look in magazines or articles. I know a good portion when it comes to this genre how people who write this try to give a bias writing and be informative as they can. I will learn more about this genre by reading the different types of magazines and seeing which one will fit perfectly when trying to reach my audience and do one similar to it.

I plan to write this by first investigation which type of magazine article I will write in. Secondly, how much I will write it for example like a paragraph, a whole page I will have to see how the magazine is usually set when it comes to writing what I want to write, how much information I’m allow to be put in. Thirdly, my title and will I need pictures, quotes etc..

My concerns about finishing this project is, do I have to do it by hand or can it be type by a word templet? Will in reach my audience? The wording does it have to be arduous since it’s for teens but some teens are advance when in comes to the math and science department?

1 Comment

  1. Carrie Hall

    Sounds good, Carmen– and I like your plan! You can use a templet if you like. You can use WORD, or if you want, check out Canva– they have some free templates. (I also might be able to get you a free subscription.)

    Use the language that fits the publication you choose– and the language you’re comfortable with. I generally think simpler is better, unless you really feel you should be writing using big, fancy words (and that feels natural to you)

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