Hall English 1101 Fall 2020

Proposal for Unit 3

What I want to teach my audience is the importance of climate change and how it’s affecting people and Earth. The most important thing I learned in Unit 2 was that if adults fail to teach the younger generation about climate change then it’ll be up to the students/kids/younger generation to learn about global warming with the means of social media. As I said before, the audience I am trying to reach are students/kids/younger generation. The genre I plan to write is a social media post. I chose doing a social media post because it will engage a lot of people and draw attention to the importance of things that are prevalent to society. What I know about social media is that a lot of people use it everyday for multiple reasons. One reason is to kill their boredom. Another reason could be to manage their business. A third reason is to find informative things online relevant to what’s happening around the country or world. I intend to get started by reviewing all the things I wrote in my paper that way I have an idea what to caption in my post. It could be a quotable of my source entries or an opinion of mine. Then, I will post an image that has to do with what I’m saying that way the reader/viewer can understand my point of view. I might be worried if all doesn’t go to plan and it might all be a stretch, but I won’t know until I try.

1 Comment

  1. Carrie Hall

    Hmm. Let’s talk about this. I think you should do a video or a buzzfeed article or something you can post on Social media. I’m worried because, like, a long Facebook post would be boring, you know– nobody reads those. Let’s chat!

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