Hall English 1101 Fall 2020


 The stuff that I want to educate my viewers are about a soldier like how hard it is to become a soldier and how much courage and strength a soldier has. The most important thing that I learned is being a soldier is not a cup of tea a soldier needs a lot of strength to make a decision on what to do in the field. The audience I am trying to reach is the youth of the USA Because the youth will be responsible for their country. A genre that I am thinking to write will be a blog or an article because this will help the youth to understand about being a soldier. The plan that I intend to get started is to skim through my research and choose the best research part of the article or a blog. In addition I have to attach some extra links and about the author who wrote it. As I started this project I thought that I will do good however now I am feeling nervous. Although I am trying and will try my level best to look good in this project.

1 Comment

  1. Carrie Hall

    I think an article is a good idea– think about what kind of article you want to write– what sort of publication would be good? What do young people read?

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