Hall English 1101 Fall 2020


The things that I want to teach my audience are like the how to fight the fear, mass of unemployment and how a person can achieve anything through experience tools and experiments. New deal was the solution of many problems and it helped the country to back up its economy. I want to them to know about how FDR had really difficult time and how he overcame it. what was the reason for stock market to crash?

The audience the I’m trying to reach are probably the teen like high school students mostly because they are the one who really need to know what had happened in the history.

The genre that I’m planning write is an article probably because this could be interesting for teen to read that can include an incomplete storyline and maki more interesting like that. And if we I use variety of different structures that would make them interesting too I think.

Th plan that I’ll follow is the first I collect all the research that I did and second I look up the structures of various articles that how they should be written liKe their pattern and everything and third I need to put all the resources and citations and pictures too according to my topic so if they want to know more they would through them.

I’m mostly worry about my audience that will they like my topic, found it interesting or no. Did I follow all the steps that needs to be done for an article and do I need to keep it simple or make it like really advanced.


1 Comment

  1. Carrie Hall

    This sounds great! Now, think about what KIND of article do you want to write– an article for a sports magazine (probably not) or a teen magazine? Maybe. Take a look at a few publications and pick a specific online magazine that you think you’d like to write for. That will help you write to your specific audience– you can look at what other writers in that same publication do.

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