Note: I am attaching your introduction here, as it should have been included in the final draft.  Please make sure to take a look at the assignment sheets for the essays


Why are you interested in this question?  (Feel free to talk about your own personal experience with the topic, or to tell an anecdote about your experience with this subject matter)

How do people train to become soldiers, and how do they change in this process? I am interested in this question because that’s how I can know more about being a soldier and what are the qualifications that a person needs to become a warrior. An amusing story about a soldier in my country his name was Major Aziz Bhatti. I watched a documentary on his breath and his achievements over the period in his behavior as well as in warfare he was a really courageous and strong-minded soldier. He really changed after getting the training to be a soldier. After getting the training. He overcome many of his weaknesses and especially his breaking point. He martyred in the war of 1965 between Pakistan and India.

What do you expect to find in your research? (Why do you expect to find this?

I would like to find what kind of person is able to join the army is there specific people who can join or anyone can join I want to know that what are the tactics that a soldier use in the warfare and in his daily life. I also want to know whence the soldiers change over time and how? I assume to find this because that will help me to understand more effectively about my topic. It will also answer my research question.

What will you do if you find information that goes completely against what you had expected to find? (Will you throw it out? Will you write about it anyway? Will you challenge your own assumptions?)

I don’t believe that the knowledge  I will obtain can go versus what I have expected to find because the question that I have is pretty straight and I know that whatever erudition I will discover will be correct however if the information works against what I had expected then I will use that knowledge anyway and I will question my own assumptions. I will try to overcome my assumptions and make it right.

What genres do you think might give you good information? (What is it about those genres that make them good potential sources?)

I think all the genres can give me good information. Furthermore, the genres in which I can easily connect my point of you to the reader and make him understand what I’m trying to say will be the best genre.


The first source entry in the article that I used is by the Army university press. In this article, I read about army training. The article was written by Ist Sgt. Ian Trowers. He wrote on August 21, 2019. 


Trowers, Ian. “Army Training.” Army University Press, William Morrow, 21 Aug. 2019, 

In army training, every soldier should be ready to do anything for his country. Specifically, in this training, there is no choice of losing. Every single time whatever you will do you have to win it either win it or either die doing it therefore there is no point in losing anything “in the Warfare as well as in life. The article also talks about the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. In both countries US Army sharpened their counterinsurgency skills by recruiting new soldiers and sending them there to get more skilled. In this training a lot of counterinsurgency mission rehearsal conducted. So that’s how each and every single soldier knew he’s weak and strong point therefore in these trainings they overcome their weak point and make it strong.

In the article. I got some of my answers and a lot of information. A quote where it says “The Army is a profession. Competent and confident leaders are a prerequisite to the successful training of ready units. It is important to understand that leadership training, development, and certification are integral parts of unit readiness. Leaders are inherently Soldiers first and should be technically and tactically proficient in their own basic Soldier skills”. In this quote, I understand that to train men to be good soldier you also need a brilliant trainer who can train them extraordinary. It opened y mind widely to think more about the training of a soldier. 

Furthermore, I think in my research question I have to be more accurate like what I really want to know about army training for example it can be like combat training survival training, etc. this article really gave me a wide thinking about my research question. 

My 2nd and 3rd source entry That I used is from a Movie called American sniper. There is also a book wrote by Chris Kyle. The book name is American sniper this book was written on January 2, 2012, the genres used in this book and in the movie are biography and autobiography.

In this video, I saw a soldier shooting at an eight-year-old boy. It wasn’t just a shooting as I saw the video I observed and I felt very deeply how a soldier fight with him on self to decide should he kill the boy or let that boy kill my soldier Buddy’s. As I was watching the video I put myself through the same situation and imagined that what should have I done in that situation. And to be honest it was very very hard to even decide what to do. A soldier before becoming a soldier Took Oath that he Will protect his soldier brothers and his country he would sacrifice himself or will kill any kind of threat to my motherland. 


Kyle, Chris. “American Sniper Movie Review & Film Summary (2014): Roger Ebert.” Movie Review & Film Summary (2014) | Roger Ebert, William Morrow, 2 Jan. 2012, 


In my third source Entry, I also used a video by the same movie but a different scene. In this video, I saw that a man pointing an RPG at owner American soldier convoy however he got shot by an American sniper as soon as the Man falls down a boy just run and pick that RPG as a sniper was watching him he was saying that drop it. I really felt that scene that how A soldier fights with him on self because I know that the soldier doesn’t like to kill boys our children’s in the war. Although they have to protect their country and their soldier buddies therefore they have to take some insane decisions. As I continue to watch I saw that the boy drop that RPG and run away as soon as the sniper saw that he took a big breath it was like a relief to him His “UGH” that came from his mouth was really miserable and it sounded as he came back to his life again.


I agree with my source entries because it is similar to thinking. I think that Soldiers are tough to breakdown. However, they do fight in themselves. For example, as I explained in my 2 & 3 source entry. Basically, the most interesting part that I liked was in the video. I liked how a soldier made a decision by shooting a  boy. It wasn’t easy to decide. I did it to save his soldiers.

I have a question that after the sniper went back to his country. Does he have to face any judicial case. What I don’t understand is when a sniper asks the command to give him an order to kill the boy or no. He got the order that it’s on him. Why the command said that? The more information can be in books although I understand a lot of what I watched in videos. I would say that the way he wrote a movie and an article is amazing. This document tells me how I think is it similar or different.

I found in my research that how a soldier fight in himself. The most interesting thing that I found is in one of my source Entry videos in which a soldier shot a boy just to save his soldier brothers and while he was about to shoot he had to decide in himself that should he shoot or not.

That was the most surprising action that a soldier took by shooting a boy. My question deepened because as I was researching. In my two entries, I found something that really hit my mind was a soldier who shot a boy however a soldier himself has a son the same age as that boy. He got no other option.

I learned this Important because that pushes any person to think two ways like why he shot a boy? What could have happened if he let the boy live.

I think most likely the specific people who call soldiers are bad or they are remotes that played by the government. However, it’s not true a soldier has his own feelings too.