Research Question: How does the media influence our ideas of implicit bias, especially when it comes to ideas of race and criminality.

Part 1.

Asmelash, L., 2020. How Black Lives Matter Went From A Hashtag To A Global Rallying Cry. [online] CNN. Available at: <> [Accessed 26 July 2020].

Part 2

CNN writes an article in which express the truth of the black lives matter movement . They included how the black lives organization is a movement in which started in order to voice to the public on how black lives have been considered as something of less value in the eyes of people in America. They explain how the movement started off by the killing of a young unarmed black teenager who was labeled as suspicious based off of the way he looked.  CNN helps spread awareness to the purpose of the black lives matter movement which was made to help bring awareness to the injustice that black people face on a daily bases due to the color of their skin, and people like Fox News who labels people in a darker individuals as dangerous and criminals.

Part 3

CNN uses their media to broadcast to the world that there is more  to individuals than what people are saying. They give the black live matter movement a platform where they can speak out and give an understanding to people all over the world that they are not criminals. They allow black individuals to show their intelligence and broadcast to the world that all they want is equality. CNN uses the media in a way in which does not uses their biases like Fox News does but instead they use it giving people an open mind of what it really is instead of what negative media is telling them that it is.

Part 4

“BLM’s goal, according to its website, is to eradicate anti-Blackness and create a society where Black people are able to thrive in the US.”

“Police officers are almost four times as likely to use force on Black people than White people. Black people are also jailed at a disproportionate rate. Black Americans have lower access to health care and lack the same access to quality education.

“Folks in the movement have been consistently fighting to reverse that trend, to raise awareness that this is not the way we’re supposed to live,” Scales told CNN”