Research Question:”how does the media influence our ideas of implicit bias, especially when it comes to ideas of race and criminality.”

Example : Black Lives Matter movement

Part 1

Smith, R., 2020. Rob Smith: Black Lives Matter Doesn’T Really Care About Black Lives Lost Unless Group Can Blame Police. [online] Fox News. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 September 2020].

Part 2a.

Author Rob Smith reports the issues of black lives matter in his eyes. He calls the movement a cult. While he does express his opinions on the movement as a whole he does it in a way in which down plays the whole African American group as a whole. He explains that the black live matter movement is considered as a “gang” and is considered as a completely dangerous movement. As a result he believes that this movement should be banned due to the people within the movement who are acting “irrational” and in his eyes are making the black community look bad.


In this Fox News video O’Reilly sits down and talks to the audience about how black individuals are the ones who are out of control. He talks about black individuals being the real killers and how the black lives matter movement is a movement in which is destroying communities. He later goes  on to justify the killings of these unarmed victims of the black individuals being that they are he real threat. He then also goes on to basically say that ” white individuals are the ones who are getting killed more by police officers” which is his way of convincing the audience tat the black lives matter movement is overdramatic and dangerous. He then show a clip in which black live matter protestors go into a place and shout black lives matter. He gave a example in which would have the audience believe in what he is saying.

Part 3a.

Author Rob Smith is a black individuals who works for Fox News, and tries to help make a mockery of the black lives matter movement as a whole.  Throughout the article Smith calls the Black lives matter movement a cult instead of what it really is. He goes on to give the black lives matter movement a bad rep defending the whole group as violent when there are plenty people within the movement who act non-violently. Also he allows others who are looking in to believe that black individuals should be seen as violent.This goes to show how media is something in which can tarnish  a persons mindset on a specific group of people. Media is something in which can affect the way a person think especially when they rely on a certain type of website or Channel to get their news from. For example if a individuals is to rely on Fox News to gain knowledge on what is going on in the world right now. They will receive certain information in which can shift their views especially if they haven’t interacted with individuals outside of their group. Rob Smith gives a bad image to a group of people who are fighting as of today for the rights. The black lives matter movement on a daily bases are trying to stop the unarmed black males and females from losing their life from government officials, cops, and racist individuals. In his article he does not announce what the movement is and why as of today we have a movement where we try to explain why black lives as of today should be equivalent to people of all different colors. The black lives matter community is fighting for their rights, and for equality being that there has been plenty of times where the system has failed us. The media influence our ideas of implicit bias, especially when it comes to ideas of race and criminality being that they show a certain perception of a group of people painting them as monsters or people in which others should fear. Fear is a root too are current problems and fear as a result can lead to serious problems where people can be hurt , arrested, and end up dead. This article by Fox News is an article in which gives a image in which people should fear black individuals who uses their voice to speak up against their hardships. This article is an example of how media influence our ideas of implicit bias especially when it comes to ideas of race and criminality. Rob Smith projects his views as a black man living as of today is fearful of his own community, his own race. This is huge especially because he is black and is giving this image that If he is afraid everyone else has a right to be as well. His bias is allowing people to continue to base criminals to a certain race which is African American individuals. He then tries to justify what he is saying by saying that the black lives matter movement shouldn’t be a movement basically because of black on black crime. As of today Black on Black crime will forever be a phrase in which upsets me. The media as of today uses “black on black crime” to justify what they are doing. There is no such thing as black on black crime in my eyes because no black person kills their own because they are black. Same way no white person kills another white person because they are white. That is just called a crime you do not throw a race in front of a crime. In North Korea , Japan, Ireland, New Zealand, and etc they all experience crime rates as a whole even with majority of the same ethnic groups. Crime is something that is just destined to happen , no matter who is killing who or what race they are.

Part 3b

O’ Riley in his interview establish from off jump that African Americans are criminals. He brings up statistics from an unknown source in which he uses to  try to justify why African Americans should be arrested , and basically should be stopped. He uses statistics which are saying that white individuals are the ones who are being arrested more the African Americans . He uses that statistic to try and prove that the police as of today are doing nothing wrong , and how African Americans are getting arrested because they are in the wrong.  He then goes on to say that crime rates have went up due to the black lives matter movement due to the defund the police situation. He tries to tell the media that African American individuals are the threat in which cops need to eliminate. He starts off with saying “Black lives matter movement is killing Americans” . Reading and hearing that phrase from the jump you can make the assumption that African Americans are the one who are the cause and root to all problems. When a person only watch Fox News they are getting biases in which are labeling  certain groups as the predators, and how people should protect themselves.  Bill O Riley  classify black individuals as suspicious ,in his news broadcast he says “The Chicago police no longer stop suspicious people” then goes on to say ” Black males between ages 14 &17 commit homicide at ten times the rate than white and hispanics teens combined”. He labels African Americans as the criminals. This implicit bias as a whole compares African Americans to criminals. He uses his media to try  and prove to the public that African Americans are Americans biggest threat. He then forget to add the amount of black individuals who are wrongfully committed of murder. Did you know that black people are 7 times more likely to be wrongfully convicted of murder compared to a white person. He uses his media to broadcast his thoughts and his wrong statistics in order to convince people that black individuals are the ones who people should be fear, and as a result of that people tend to react in a way in which puts African Americans in danger, and why the black lives matter movement continues to stand tall.


“BLM’s cult-like tactics are more like those of a violent gang than a traditional civil rights group fighting against racial discrimination. The organization refuses to acknowledge the Black lives lost in the violence it has engaged in. It refuses to acknowledge the tragedy of Black lives lost to criminals. It focuses solely on far smaller number of Black people injured or killed in encounters with police.”

“Yet we see no BLM rallies and marches for Black crime victims, including murder victims. Don’t those Black lives matter? Where are the posters demanding justice for these people?

The truth is that the tragic loss of these Black lives can’t be used to further the radical BLM agenda, so the organizations ignores them.  ”

“They’re criminals. BLM is their cult. It is their religion. It is what gives them purpose. And that should make Americans of any color deeply uncomfortable.   ”