Part 1

Part 2

This podcast with host  Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist, co-host Chuck Nice, comedian, and guest Paul Steinhardt, theoretical physicist and cosmologist. This podcast talked about the multiverse answer questions about cosmology as well as quantum physics  trying to better make us understand how the universe moved from a quantum state to a one driven by general relativity. They talked upon and explaining a variety of topics like cosmic inflation, quantum tunneling, and whether gravity is extra-dimensional. Another intriguing theory Paul Steinhardt has between the Big Bang and what he calls a Big Bounce, what he believes in since he isn’t really a fan on the multiverse. Lastly many other concepts which was discussed about such as the universes where space and time existed forever, distance and the limitations of the speed of light and a fabric of spacetime.


Part 3

This podcast was funny to listen to and interesting I learned a lot sometimes it was hard to grasp what they were trying to tell us since some of the things they talked about was sometimes confusing. For example, in the podcast Neil deGrasse Tyson said”this not a universe in some other dimension this is all one universe are or volume whatever in a meta universe and we thinking is our own it’s our thing.” Neil deGrasse is telling us that this is just one patch of the multiverse and the multiverse has so many different concepts and so many other patches around this theory. So, basically we aren’t aware that we are in this gigantic universe we think we are one of a kind in this universe and that other galaxy’s exist but that’s in a different universe when it isn’t like that from what I understand. With the theory of the  multiverse it says we are in one humongous universe with different patches that exist which is very amazing, if it’s true, we are just a small part of a bigger picture. Paul Steinhardt says,”The multiverse is a sign of breakdown of this inflationary idea it’s a failure made of the theory something we didn’t expect it wasn’t designed to produce a multiverse it’s something we discover after the fact and the problem is that because it produces an infinite number of patches of every possible variety if you ask what the theory predicts the answer is of nothing or everything.” Paul Steinhardt tell us that the multiverse theory wasn’t something they thought of creating it’s something that just occur. This theory is just another way that can perhaps explain how the universe works because being such a big galaxy we wonder what the universe holds in many mysteries waiting to be discover and with the multiverse it can do just that if it comes out to be true.

Neil deGrasse Tyson is very well known amoung the astronomers on sea and sky so he has very good  credentials. I feel the podcast really interacted with it’s audience because first they got question from their audience that they answered on the show. So they were very much aware what points and topics they should talked about. The purpose for this podcast it to answer some of the wonders on the multiverse but they also brought other topics to talk about with Chuck Nice who is a person who doesn’t really know about astronomy it really helped the audience to better understand this podcast and be intrigued with it. Lastly, since it had many people who know of this topic like the professor of Princeton and Neil deGrasse I will consider as a reliable source.

Part 4

” There would be no way to synchronize it compared to our time one patches will be born at different times so the time they would have transpired since the creation of our patch to reach the point where there’s earth and people”