Part 1:

A smooth exit from eternal inflation? S.W. Hawking & Thomas Hertog Jornal of High Energy Physics volume 2018

Part 2:

This jornal talks about the idea of the multiverse, abundant of universes that exist at the same time but are far away from one another. They talked about eternal inflation how our universe emerged, space-time expanded at an fast rate. All of these to prove that the theory might be true, but with exceptions on how the multiverse might be if this was something that exist. They also talked about eternal inflation, the Euclidean dual theory the transition in the evolution of the multiverse with equations and measurements  on how it works from the beginning of the creation of the universe and how it’s to be today.

Part 3:

I found this journal fascinating because of the different ways they tried to prove this theory. Stephan Hawking says “Our conjecture strengthens the intuition that holographic cosmology implies a significant reduction of the multiverse to a much more limited set of possible universes.This has important implications for anthropic reasoning.“Stephan Hawking and Hertog wrote this to illustrates that the multiverse might not be a infinite number of universe on the contrary a certain number of universes that exist in the galaxy. I didn’t realize how much is yet to be known. Since the multiverse isn’t something that is proven yet their is so many ways it can be interpret. Many known astronomers or scientist spend their time on proving this theory because it’s one way to explain how our galaxy is and understand how our universe is and works.  Stephan Hawking is one who seems to believe this to be very much true; however,not all people think this way there doesn’t seem to be anyway to disprove or prove it. Which I find breathtaking because how one concept can have the whole science, math, physicist world fighting, arguing, researching what should be consider truth or just fiction.

The rhetoric factors of the genre and the authors credentials is that the jornal was published and Stephan Hawking one of the writers is one of the best known scientist in the world who made important discoveries. I felt the authors writing styles was a little hard, well at least for me to understand I had to search most of the words to really understand what he was trying to say. I believe since this is such an advance journal is mostly for the science department astronomers, theoretical physicist audience. His purpose to writing this was to talk about the multiverse and how it might not be something so vast, but smaller. This choice of  genre affect the meaning and  credibility of the document because they used local, global, geometrically, formulas etc to prove their point.

 Part 4:

“However, the above calculation implies a general argument suggesting that the amplitude of large
deformations of the conformal boundary geometry is highly suppressed in the holographic measure both in higher-spin and in Einstein gravity.“

“This transforms the probability distribution for the amount of inflation and leads to the prediction that our universe emerged from a regime of eternal inflation [12, 13]. Thus we must understand eternal inflation “