Hall English 1101 Fall 2020

Source Entry

My Source: Terri Orbuch, “Is it lust or Is it love”,TEDxOaklandUniversity,(September 14,2014)

Terri Orbuch does a ted talk where she speaks about differentiating love and lust in a relationship.In the ted talk she explains the signs of love and lust step by step. And I believe that her main point is that love and lust can be in a healthy relationship. It’s just that there are things that naturally have to grow in a relationship in order for it to be maintained within a relationship. For example in the video she says “ It’s love when you both use the word “we” in the relationship and It’s like you guys are intertwined and they are no longer just focusing on themselves but one another.” And she also says “ To rekindle lust into a love oriented relationship you need to do the things you used to do in the beginning of the relationship which is to go out new places to keep the surprises and mystery alive which brings lust”.

When I  watched the video I was a bit skeptical about it because I was afraid that I wasn’t going to get the response or information that I wanted to get. But as i finished watching the video she made me realize how much teens can easily get blinded by lust thinking that it’s love. I was able to do my own sort of comparisons between lust and love while watching the video being that I am a teenager myself.

 Terri in the video said that “ It’s love when you want to show the person off to the people that are most important in your lives.” Now I remember when I was in high school and my friends would be in their relationships and i would ask does your parents know and they would tell me no because they knew that their parents weren’t going to agree with what was going on but somehow they still believed that they were in love and that they would end up getting married after college. I used to tell them I hope their dreams come to existence, then a month later they broke up because they realized that those dreams of getting married were only temporary and that they didn’t really have the maturity to actually maintain a relationship. My main point is that a true relationship that has true love is something that should not be hidden. And I just really like how Terri properly showed the signs of love and lust in a relationship.


1 Comment

  1. Carrie Hall

    Esther, you’re doing a great job here! I think you’ve found a good source. Where I think you can work going forward is on the second paragraph. Can you get MORE specific– you say the speaker says teens can get blinded by lust thinking it’s love, but can you give us a quote telling us specifically what she said and respond to that quote? Or when you tell us that you were able to do your comparisons yourself, can you tell us what those comparisons particularly were?

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