Hall English 1101 Fall 2020

First Source Entry Draft

Part 1:

My topic entry source is  https://www.history.com/topics/great-depression/new-deal

(UPDATED:NOV 27, 2019ORIGINAL:OCT 29, 2009)

Part 2:

The article “Second Deal” by History.com editors described the achievements and accomplishments of America’s economy during Franklin Roosevelt’s era. According to this article, New Deal projects and programs, such as the CCC, the WPA, the TVA, the SEC, and others new deal was introduced by FDR and how these programs helped America to build up its economic system back to where to it was. FDR was newly appointed as the president during the Great Depression. He gave a speech to his public which afterward gave people confidence and courage. He told people to stop withdrawing money from banks and after 3 days, told them to put back whatever they’d saved during these days back to the banks. He enabled the Federal Government to built dams along Tennessee rivers to protect them from flooding as well as giving payments to the farmers. Provided Jobs to the unemployed and they weren’t allowed to compete with private industry, so they focused on building things like post offices, bridges, schools, highways, and parks. Also gave work to artists, writers, theater directors, and musicians. African Americans and women entered the workforce. They shared a powerful belief that helping their government means helping their families, the economy, and the nation.

Part 3:

I agree with this article because this technique actually helped America and had impacted its economy by employing more than 8 million Americans by giving them different kinds of jobs. He introduced many programs so he could take his country out of crises. The Second New Deal was focused on economic recovery as I’ve said before. It ensured the public that they would be protected against unemployment and poverty. FDR introduced the Works Progress Administration (WPA), giving millions of Americans jobs constructing bridges, pools, stadiums, roads, and such. It also sent out many artists to paint buildings and paint murals. The Social Security Act (SSA) was also one of the programs that ensured unemployment insurance, aid to the elderly and disabled, and to families. It provided health coverage and income assistance too to poorly. FDR also helped farmers and other workers by the Agricultural Adjustment Act(AAA) helped to raise crop prices by lowering production.

As he was doing all this, he got a lot of hate and contravention from his opponents and some conservative justices that because of this depression, America was facing trouble regarding public relations with other countries. And that excuse gave his opponents to take a stand against him, which led the country’s economy slipped one more time and country went into its recession time but later on  Japan bombed pearl harbor which led America to entered WW2 and that’s how WW2 helped the USA to get out of that depression and as well as winning the war. The New Deal brought many women into government enforcement that they never expected. Women having their voices heard which happened just because of FDR. However, in other areas, women were unsuccessful. They were able to do men’s jobs because at that time all men went to serve their country for WW2 and women were used to do their Household and office working that’s how They got independent. When the banking system was at its peak to crush, FDR  immediately went to action. FDR closed all banks temporarily and he told everyone not to withdraw any kind of money instead of saving them. FDR also closed all the stock markets, no one was allowed to buy or sell anything, if someone did then they would be responsible for the frauds.  As he was doing that, introduced insurance called “The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation” (FDIC) which led to saved everyone’s deposits. So in the end, it shows that this article is right about whatever happened in the past and how FDR came over it with the help of his people ad his brilliantness.

Part 4:

“They created a brand-new if tenuous, political coalition that included white working people, African Americans cans and left-wing intellectuals. More women entered the workforce as Roosevelt expanded the number of secretarial roles in government. These groups rarely shared the same interests – at least, they rarely thought they did – but they did share a powerful belief that an interventionist government was good for their families, the economy and the nation”

“On December 7, 1941, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and the United States entered World War II The war effort stimulated American industry and, as a result, effectively ended the Great Depression”

“Still, the Great Depression dragged on. Workers grew more militant: In December 1936, for example, the United Auto Worker strike at a GM plant in Flint, Michigan lasted for 44 days and spread to some 150,000 autoworkers in 35 cities”.


1 Comment

  1. Carrie Hall

    This is incredibly well-researched, Amatul! Nice work! The only thing I would say here is, I may have phrased my own questions a bit strangely for this kind of article. You don’t really need to agree or disagree with the historical facts here– they’re true! But you have still done a great job of putting your own opinion and analysis in here, especially when we think about the situation we are in (and the situation we may be in soon.) Some things you might think about, either in this research or in the further research you do are: did FDR do the right thing? What did people who opposed FDR say? What can we learn from FDR about our current situation? What does the Green New Deal propose and how is it similar or different, etc… (I’m just trying to help you look for new sources.) No criticisms here, just thinking through!

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