I am interested in this topic because teenagers have a tendency to mistake lust for love. As we all know, according to google that ” Love is a deep feeling of affection that you have for another person. It’s a lasting attraction that goes beyond the surface and turns into emotional attachment. Lust, on the other hand, is basically a physical attraction that leads to an overwhelming feeling of sexual desire thanks to a rush of hormones.” Teenagers lack the maturity and experience to differentiate between love and lust. I often see teenagers get into relationships and I wonder if its just a phase or is it the  beginning of a disaster. In other words, the misconception of love and lust maybe a simple experience or a tremendous mistake that can scar for life.

After concluding my research I expect to gain the understanding to assist my fellow teenagers by helping them in their decisions prior to a relationship. Relationship is not something that you jump into, it is  something that requires wisdom, time and patience its not something you jump into just for fun. Once you enter a relationship  for entertainment, your emotion begins to get attached with the person and you will end up getting hurt. I also expect to find the reason why teens feel like they are ready to engage in such commitment without a clue as to where it may lead. I am an example of a bad decision made by my mother and father. I suffered the consequences of their bad decision. I am well and in college by God’s grace. Unlike other teenagers who did not have that opportunity.

If I do find information that goes completely against what I had expected to find, I will be happy to learn things from a different aspect. I am willing to learn, since one of my goals is to share and assist people with the knowledge that I gained. I intend to enlighten others with the truth even if it means that I have to challenge my own assumptions. The best way to assist others is to collect factual information and real life experiences, which will encourage the reader to think other wise and to be convinced.

I intend on using non fiction articles, television shows,  books brochures, pamphlets  and newspapers to obtain information as well as real life experience by interviewing others. Those genres will be great assets to obtain information and support the findings to my question.