My question I want to focus on is why are black communities and other communities of color being gentrified more often recently. Not just communities of color, but poor communities overall. I initially became interested in this topic a few years ago as I did a project on it in school, and then it became an at home discussion. Furthermore it became really interesting when I saw implications of it in television. One example i can recall off the top of my head is on a show called shameless. They spent their season focused on gentrification and how it affects the culture and livelihood of sis’s communities. Although I learned the basics of it, I never really got into why it occurred or where it originated from. Basically all this to say, I don’t understand why it happens and why it is occurring more and more often.I also would like to know why most poor communities contain people of color, and why these neighborhoods specifically are being targets of gentrification. I expect to find that gentrification is occurring due to something in relation with pricing on housing and property, however I’m unaware how that specifically works. Meaning, I know that people are moving into these communities not only for the aesthetic but also pricing and stuff, but I want to know why it is happening so prominently. I also expect to find out that these poor communities are losing their culture due to these new buildings and individuals moving into their neighborhoods. This was also a topic in the aforementioned series Shameless, not only did gentrification affect them financially but also socially. I’d also like to know how this affects everyday life and citizen finances in real life. If I find information that goes against what I expected to find, one of two things could happen. I could either adjust my question to pertain to that information if that information is more prominent than the initial information I intended to find. Or i could base my claims off of both and combine the evidence to make a proper claim. Either way I will make sure to adjust and tweak my initial claim so that the information matches. I’m unaware right now what genre I want to use or what genre would fit with my question and paper, I guess this is because even after reading the article the concept of genres still allude me.