Hall English 1101 Fall 2020

Shitty First Draft DEJ



    Hi Ninmah, I really like what you have said in your draft about practicing that how practice makes a person perfect. I also like how you mentioned about being procrastinated in high school and you used to do your assignments very last minute. And yes mostly students do that even me too lol. You are absolutely right for what you said that “the beginning would always sound terrible” because no one’s first draft ever comes out perfect ,you have to re read it and it helps a person to build up more and fresh ideas as you’ve mentioned in your draft. I really like how you mentioned that you kept practicing hard and revising your writings actually leveled up your writing skills.I totally get what message you’re trying to convey that don’t give up on just one try, keep on trying because it shapes a person into better one. I really like your draft but I would like you to give you a friendly suggestion that would you please add like a story or any event that actually defines that how you got to improve your writing skills and what happened because it’ll help me and other people to picture it and understand it better. but otherwise you did a great job I really like what you said and yes many people could relate to what you said

    • Ninmah

      This is not my rough draft. This is the double entry journal post. My rough draft is deep in OpenLab.

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