Hall English 1101 Fall 2020

Education Narrative Draft

I don’t have such an awful perception on education let alone how I’m educated, but there are so many things off about the education system which left me with a lot of questions. Forgot to emphasize, “stupid questions.” When I was in high school in my sophomore year of geometry, I really questioned why I needed to know the proof of a triangle because it’s not gonna help me prove a crime there’s no correlation to that. But if I were to start from the very beginning, I have a late birthday which made me so sad because I was the younger kids in the classroom and such a disadvantage in the school environment. I was envious of “older” kids because they had early birthdays so they seemed to be learning fine, but for me there had to be some sort of guidance or help. Surely enough, I barely could understand a book in first grade and failed to write about too. Second grade was a turning point which changed how I was learning before and how to move forward in institution. I repeated the grade… the bullying wasn’t nice at the time and the mockery of students who are a year younger than me wasn’t great either, but I sucked in my breath and moved forward. After third grade it was a time to transfer schools. An “academy” seems like a righteous word to describe the school kind of reminds me of a “prep school” where students had to where specific school uniforms instead of simple dress code. High school was kind of a hell for me, the way I wanted to start anew and not reminisce any memories of middle school, but the learning seemed to be a lot harder and had to tackle new heights of education. I started to develop test anxiety, it was so bad that I looked at every test like a monster was about to eat me alive. I felt really incapable of learning as my mind went braindead everyday. Sometimes I didn’t have the energy to wake up in the morning and repeat the never ending of cycle of failing. Then came around that one class I took in sophomore year which was Computer Applications II which was a class that taught me the fundamentals of Microsoft Powerpoint and Microsoft Excel. I knew of those applications but really understand those applications in depth, really changed my perspective in learning other than academics. I continued to do business classes, getting the feel of it all. A momentous occasion came at the end of junior year I signed up for the business program. I applied for it, interviewed for it, and got accepted to it. I was really excited about something and I haven’t felt that way in a while. Senior year made me feel like a “king.” I didn’t really do much but delved into my school work and college apps. Virtual Enterprise (business program) started to bloom like a flower and I was really invested in it. I truly feel as though the world was looking up at me because senior year of high school seemed to be a breeze. Quickly like a bee I was stung with SAT’s that creeped my test anxiety again. I was able to get a decent score on them, but it bothered me that most colleges require a “good” or “perfect” SAT to determine the next four years of my life. For me it sounds messed up, because why should one exam of hard questions be the pivot of college? I already suck at tests, so I get more tests thrown at me? Must be nice being smart, if I shouldn’t degrade myself by calling me dumb at least I’m mediocre to score 4 digits on my SAT’s. Since I wasn’t in a lot of classes I decided to devote myself in after school classes. So, I chose the College Now: Political Science class to help me understand the fundamentals of criminal justice law. I wasn’t one of those kids who have a “fixed dream” because I didn’t know who I wanted to be when I grow up. All I need to start my dream was education. As much as the education system is flawed, I went through with it because without it I would be unreliable in a lot of places. For example, if I got a job and without having any social cue’s at school how am I supposed to connect with folks in the “real world?” I know that in this era of social media and the constant development of technology school can be “useless.” But, that aside I learn a lot of things without education being in a category of school, whereas social media and Google telling me about real world problems that ancient textbooks can’t teach me about because all of that text occurs in the past. Overall, education is relevant for me and I need it to continue moving forward in institution and life.

Reviewer’s Memo:

I wrote this because I want you to understand my journey of how education began for me. I hope it would turn on that light switch of yours in your head and let your mind wander in a lot of questions and thoughts as to want I proposed to you. What I want you to take away from this piece is me reflecting on how education makes me agitated due to my test anxiety but focusing on education in aspects other than academics. What I feel about this project right now is that it’s in the making of a work I will be happy of later when I make edits and revisions to it. Do you think my piece works? Have I touched on a lot of points that seem to connect together? By any means does my essay give a theme rather two? Does my paper have a motifs?Ā If this were your essay, what would you do next? I would like to have your feedback.


1 Comment

  1. Mian Hamza

    After skimming through your rough draft one quote that seems interested is ā€œI really questioned why I needed to know the proof of a triangle because it’s not gonna help me prove a crime there’s no correlation to thatā€. I agree with that quote ironically most often I ask the same question to my dad that how math formulas will help me in my career.

    Your Essay makes sense and while I was reading your essay didnā€™t sound like that you miss something or I got lost suddenly. It was accurate and on the track.

    I would say that you should emphasize your questions in the essay to make a more statistic essay.

    I would like to learn more regarding why you get stressed by giving or having a test?

    Overall your Essay sounds great.

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