

 I encountered a number of alternatives to talk in  English. Since when I arrived in New York I monitored a set of styles to converse in  English. One of the forms of English that I learned in high school. It was like a gang figure English it was like yo what’s up with the N-word next to it. Although the English that my English teacher conversation was so various than that English furthermore I also toured Manhattan and in Manhattan when I went to a restaurant and I place the order Like what I want to eat and the server Who took my request his way of speaking English was altered because I know that there is a quantity way of express English. However, it is related to my language called Urdu because if I stay in a city in my nation the way of speaking Urdu is distinctive although if I travel to northern regions of my country or like southern cities the form of speaking Urdu is way varied than that. As Jamila Lyiscott states “  So when my Professor comes on the block and says, “Hello” I stop him and say “Noooo … You’re being inarticulate … the proper way is to say ‘what’s good’”. I undergo the identical process also I described that earlier.