Hall English 1101 Fall 2020

How to read like a writer

English notes

In the article ” How to read like a writer” explain many ways of reading and various ways to understand any kind of reading. As we know before reading this article that ” you are already an author”. I think by saying this author means to say that we can understand this article easily and using some ways that provided in the article to understand it more perfectly.

The ways that I used in my high school are literary elements that help me to understand any kind of poem, novel, articles, stories, etc. furthermore those literary elements will help me to prosper and to recognize any kind of reading.

After studying ” How to read like a writer” I acknowledge a lot of stuff by remembering some from my High school. Reading like a writer is like you can feel while reading the article what is going on in the writer’s mind. For instance, reading is very helpful to make a person a good writer.  My most accurate and English expertise will help me to overcome all of the obstacles that I will face in reading and writing. Therefore, I can be a good speaker and a valuable writer.

Was there anything you noticed in Bunn’s article that you would like to try to do in your own writing? What, in particular? Please be specific!

Anything that I notice in Bunn’s article is that you have to be in a peaceful place to reading anything with your full attention. I also notice that while you read you should ask your self what you read in the back like recalling your memory.




  1. Carrie Hall

    Nice work, Mian. I like this idea that is is valuable to remember WHATEVER stuck out to you. I don’t think we say that enough!

  2. Carrie Hall

    Nice work, Mian. I like this idea that is is valuable to remember WHATEVER stuck out to you. I don’t think we say that enough!

  3. Carrie Hall

    Nice work, Mian. I like this idea that is is valuable to remember WHATEVER stuck out to you. I don’t think we say that enough!

  4. Carrie Hall

    I’m sorry that comment posted 4 times! Hahaha

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