Hall English 1101 Fall 2020

How To Read Like A Writer

Mike Bunn’s “How to Read Like A Writer” introduces readers to a reading technique of reading & analyzing literature with a author state of mind as he states to the person reading, “you are already an author”. What this means is the reader has to put their reading lens in the shoes of the author to achieve a deeper comprehension of the text.

Ways I already use words in literature is by using figurative language such as similes, metaphors and euphemism in TIED format. This literal technique will help me in college because it improves my reading comprehension and I am able to interpret the meaning behind the text.

What I noticed about Bunn’s writing is his background of how he discovered the importance of being able to read like the author of the book and how he chose exercise that skill into real writing. Bunn’s discovery came from trying to read a book in a loud and dark environment, the complete opposite recommended area to read anything, and he had to concentrate and re-read the same text over again just like the real author of the book did. While doing this, he understood the meaning of the texts along the importance of reading it through the lens of author. This technique of reading is what I call an empathetic lens. This lens puts you in the shoes of the author and you understand the intentions & reasoning behind the text. I would like to be able to use this technique because it allows me to understand the author’s state of mind which allows me to have a strengthened view & opinion for more thought in depth and intellectual discussions.

Another thing I noticed is Bunn questions a lot. The reason for these questioning a lot is to gain a deep understanding then interpret it logically. I would like to use this technique because it creates a philosophical train of thoughts while also building a structure of claims that can be constructed through the three persuasive techniques: pathos, ethos, logos. This leads to more critical analogy and deeper debates for a more interesting Socratic seminar.


  1. Hasani

    In the article How to read like a writer by Mike Bunn, he states how we all read like a writer essentially. He goes on to explain that to be an author one must try to understand the actions of writers, and what they put in their text to get a deeper understanding.

    Bunn states that initially he was unaware of how much detail went in to writing, and that every decision you make could influence the readers interpretations of the text. I utilize words everyday wether thatā€™s me doing assignments or even simply sending texts. Iā€™m even an author when iā€™m making a post on social media. This is simply due to the fact that i have control over what i write. Essentially i write everything with a purpose and with a specific way i want others to interpret it. However others could interpret what i say differently, although iā€™m the author and craft what i say others might not read into that. This is why Bunn states that in order to read like a writer you must try and understand what went into an Authors writing

    One thing i noticed in Bunns article that i would utilize is his self awareness. With the way i write a lot of it is me just writing what i think, and when you think you donā€™t have the ability to really ponder what youā€™re writing. I believe taking awareness over what iā€™m writing and how it might come off to the person reading is important. This led him to his conclusion that we are all authors, a phrase that i 100% agree with. Another thing i believe i would utilize is understanding a writers thought process as i am reading their their texts. It not only might influence my point of view but help me to become a better writer and author myself.

  2. Hasani

    not me uploading my response wrong :\

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