COMD 2451 ā€“ Web Design I

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: November 23, 2023 at 5:21 pm

Happy Thanksgiving, y'all! 

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Week 11 Homework -- IMPORTANT UPDATE

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: November 10, 2023 at 7:56 pm

Hi Class,

If you're having trouble getting your form to work for this homework, I have good news. It's not you; because GitHub Pages doesn't support server side programming (including PHP). Even if you do all the steps correctly, you'll get a 405 error when submitting the form.

See these updated instructions for how to complete this assignment. If you get stuck, post on our class Slack channel what you're having trouble with and your fellow students and I can hopefully help.

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Class This Week is Important! Bring Your Computer!

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: November 7, 2023 at 2:25 pm

Hi class,

This week's class we will be doing 3 important things that will make the rest of your semester a lot easier:

1) Learning how to build forms

2) Building the Contact page or section of your final project (portfolio site)

3) Finishing up the restaurant website project.

Please try your best to come to class on time, because all of these items represent a large percent of your grade, and what you will learn this week will make everything easier.

Also, remember to bring your computer (or whatever you need in order to work on your restaurant website and your final project in class).

If you do not have access to the computers in the lab by now, please go to the Welcome Center and get access ASAP!

See you soon!

Prof. Lloyd

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Check Blackboard to ensure all assignments uploaded properly

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: November 5, 2023 at 3:51 pm

Hi class,

Please take a moment today to check Blackboard that all your assignments and labs are not missing any parts. Use this checklist and upload anything you see is missing. This will allow me to give you full credit. Homework is 30% of your grade, so it matters a lot!

Also, if you have submitted any assignments this semester to me via email, please also submit them to Blackboard ASAP.

All the best,

Prof. Lloyd

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Running a few min late 11/1

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: November 1, 2023 at 11:45 am

Hi class,

Iā€™m running a few minutes late due to train delays. Please be ready to start when I get there!