COMD 2451 – Web Design I

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd


Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: December 22, 2023 at 2:52 pm

Submit your homeworks by midnight! Less than 9 hours left!

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

IMPORTANT: NO MORE ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSIONS after midnight tomorrow (Fri Dec 22)! Here's the strategy!

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: December 21, 2023 at 11:53 am

Hi students,

Time is running out to submit assignments! I will stop accepting assignment submissions at MIDNIGHT FRIDAY.

Some submissions are more important than others. Do them first.

The following assignments count MORE toward your grade (because they're also a required part of the final project website or presentation, they get counted TWICE!):

  • Week 2 - Portfolio Website Sketches & Artwork Folder
  • Week 3 LAB: Creative Brief
  • Week 5 - Mood Board, Style Guide and Images
  • Week 6 - Site Map
  • Week 7 - W3.CSS and Responsive Website with Image Gallery
  • Week 9 - GitHub Tutorial and Setup
  • Week 11 - Form Upload
  • Week 12 - JavaScript

The projects make up 40% of your grade, so they are the most important to submit:

  • Week 10 Project 1 - One-page design restaurant web page
  • Final Project Part 1: Presentation Deck
  • Final Project Part 2: Portfolio Website

If you are having any difficulty with any of these assignments, please schedule a 1:1 with me today (Thursday) or Friday.

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Use this resume template for your website!

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: December 13, 2023 at 10:49 am

Hi students,

I just created this template for you to use if you're running into trouble creating a resume on your website.

You can put this into your final project folder alongside your other html files.

I put instructions in the comments in the html. Read through them carefully, because they tell you what to replace.

Let me know if you run into any problems or have any questions!

I will also be adding this link to the assignment in Blackboard.

Resume Template - Final Project

All the best,

Prof. Lloyd

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Use this resume template for your website!

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: December 13, 2023 at 10:49 am

Hi students,

I just created this template for you to use if you're running into trouble creating a resume on your website.

You can put this into your final project folder alongside your other html files.

I put instructions in the comments in the html. Read through them carefully, because they tell you what to replace.

Let me know if you run into any problems or have any questions!

I will also be adding this link to the assignment in Blackboard.

Resume Template - Final Project

All the best,

Prof. Lloyd

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Wednesday (12/13) Session Will be on ZOOM This Week!

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: December 12, 2023 at 11:18 am

Students ---

Tomorrow (Wednesday, 12/13) we will have a session at the usual time of the Wednesday class: 12-3:20pm. BUT since there are no classes it will NOT be in the classroom. It is highly recommended you attend, but not required. Check your email for the calendar invite.


12pm-3:20pm - Class session/q&a/study hall

3:20pm-3:30pm - Break

3:20pm-5pm (EXTENDED hours!) - Student Hours (also q&a/study hall)

Link to join the session

  • BOTH Wednesday and Thursday sections may attend the session!
  • The session will be entirely devoted to help/feedback on the project submissions and homeworks
  • I will give slight priority to questions about final project submissions, but I will address all questions!
  • There will be a separate "study hall" room where you can study quietly if you like; you can use this as a scheduled study session--this can be very helpful for time management!
  • I encourage you to come and listen to others' questions; with coding, many students experience the same bugs and issues, and watching can help you learn very fast and often fix your own issues! It is time well-spent!
  • NOTE: Remember that Classes on Thursday (12/14) and next Wednesday (12/20) WILL be back in the CLASSROOM AGAIN. On those dates, all students will present final project portfolio presentations!

See you there!


Prof. Lloyd