COMD 2451 – Web Design I

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd


Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: May 18, 2024 at 5:27 pm

Hi Class,

Here are 5 important reminders to get good grades on your coding assigments:

  1. Validator Tool: Use the Validator tool to check your code before submitting! Validator is your friend! Use it! Paste your GitHub Pages URL in it before submitting--it'll show you any errors.
  2. Always Deploy! Remember to always deploy your code to GitHub Pages. If you forget to do this, I can't grade the assignment. Then I have to email you and it makes it harder to grade everything on time.
  3. Test before you submit. It only takes a minute, but can save you costly errors. Most importantly: a) Test all links to make sure they work before submitting them to Blackboard. Broken links mean I can't grade your work. b) Check the GitHub Pages site to make sure it works and looks the way you want it to.
  4. Schedule a Zoom call with me if you're stuck. It's OK to schedule more than one. Link to schedule
  5. Check Blackboard to make sure you're not missing assignments.

You can also email me if you have any questions or issues.

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Grading-- Help Me Help You!

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: May 14, 2024 at 4:37 pm

Hi students,

I'm trying to grade as many of your assignments right now as I can. In order to do that, I need your help. Please take a minute ASAP to check your submitted assignments to ensure that:

1) All the links work.

2) There are no missing parts to the assignments.

This will also mean you don't have to redo assignments as many times!

Many thanks,

Prof. Lloyd

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Zoom calls - Technical Issues

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: May 14, 2024 at 11:17 am

Hi Students,

You may have tried to schedule a Zoom call with me and not been able to join because it says "The Host is in Another Meeting". This seems to be a result of the Zoom software on my machine.

I believe I have a temporary fix for this, but if this happens to you at your appointment, please

1) Do not close the meeting;

2) send me an email ASAP to let me know you are getting this message.

At that time I will be able to reset it so that you can join.

I apologize for the inconvenience!

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

New Document in Blackboard: How to Get GitHub Links

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: May 13, 2024 at 12:30 pm

I just posted a quick refresher in the Announcements section of Blackboard course, How to Get GitHub Links.

So if you're trying to remember how to get the right links to post for your assignments, have a look!

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Week 7 Responsive Template Revised!

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: March 16, 2024 at 6:24 pm

Students -

I have revised the responsive template file for Week 7's homework to make it much more user-friendly. It also now includes the resume template file. So if you were using the old template, go ahead and switch to this new responsive template now. The links in the presentation deck and Blackboard have been updated, so you can access it there too.

I also zhuzhed up the assignment 7 instructions on Blackboard, so have a look at those too.


Prof. Lloyd