COMD 2451 – Web Design I

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

IMPORTANT: Do These 2 Quick Things to Help Me Grade Your Assignments Faster!

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: December 10, 2023 at 11:48 am

Hi students,

I am trying to grade as many assignments as humanly possible today. There are 2 quick things you can do to help me give you your feedback and grades as quickly as possible!

1) Make me a collaborator on your GitHub repository: In your repository, go to Settings --> Collaborators, then click the green "Add people" button. Select "sandblasta", then choose "Add sandblasta to this repository."

2) Email me your GitHub Pages URL: In your repository go to Settings --> Pages, then copy the URL you see at the top after "Your site is live at..." and email it to my CUNY email. (NOTE: if you do not have this URL, let me know ASAP -- this will prevent you from doing your homeworks and projects!)

Many thanks,

Prof. Lloyd

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Reminder: QUIZ TODAY!!!

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: December 6, 2023 at 10:11 am

Hi Students!

Reminding you that there's a quiz in class this week (today/tomorrow). So please do everything in your power to come to class on time today! This is definitely NOT the day to miss. This quiz is quite different from the others, and is structured in an unique way so that showing up to take it today puts you at a significant advantage as opposed to missing it.

I want you to do well, so if there is any humanly possible way to come to class today, please do so!

NOTE: If you can not make it to your usual class, you can come to the other section this week. My sections are both in P124. Wednesday is 12-3:20PM. Thursday is 2:30-5:50PM.

ANOTHER NOTE: If you absolutely cannot come to class, please contact me ASAP.

All the best,

Prof. Lloyd

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Google Drive Links -- set access before submitting the assignment!

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: December 2, 2023 at 9:01 pm

Hi students,

A number of you have recently shared links with me to files on Google Drive. Remember that, before sharing, you must set the access to "anyone with the link can view." Otherwise, I can't view it.

It's important to do this BEFORE you paste the link in; the link changes depending on the level of access.

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Improved instructions -- and examples -- of paper sketches for your portfolio presentation and Week 2 assignment

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: December 2, 2023 at 12:45 pm

If you were unsure about the sketching assignment from week 2 and a little concerned as to what to do with the sketches in your final project presentation deck, I have created improved instructions.

You can find them in 2 places:

I hope this lends some more clarity to the assignment. Let me know if you have additional questions about sketching!

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Rubrics are here!

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: December 1, 2023 at 3:30 pm

Good news! When you go to Assignments in Blackboard, you will see that I have added the grading rubrics to most of the assignments. This should clear up some confusion and make it easier to understand the criteria for the assignments. This is thanks to your useful feedback from the survey.

Refer to these rubrics as you work on your assignments and use them as a checklist.