COMD 2451 – Web Design I

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Checking Color Contrast for this week's homework

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: October 9, 2023 at 10:41 pm

Here is a good color contrast checker to use while selecting your palette for this week's assignment. Run your background and text colors through to see if they provide enough contrast to be accessible.

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

This Week's HOMEWORK

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: October 8, 2023 at 6:59 pm

Next week's homework is:

1) Revise and resubmit the previous week's homework;

2) Do a site map for the portfolio website you plan to create for the final project.

For the previous week's homework, please carefully read the instructions in last week's announcement, and make sure you complete all three parts separately.

See this helpful list of criteria to know whether you have done the assignment correctly!

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

This Week's QUIZ and Homework 10-4 and 10-5

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: October 2, 2023 at 7:11 pm

1. Mood board to serve as a basis for your portfolio website. For guidelines, see Week 5 slide deck:

Must contain at minimum: 

2. Style guide to serve as a basis for your portfolio website. Look at links in the Week 5 slide deck for examples of what your style guide should look like. Must contain at minimum: 

  • Fonts 
  • Color palettes
  • Each of your visual elements for headings (h1, h2, etc.), links, paragraphs, buttons.

3. Select images of the portfolio pieces for your website

  • At least 5 images of work you created
  • Save each image in 3 formats (the formats we did in class today. Save them using the same naming convention as you see on the slide deck.)
  • Put them into a folder.
  • Send me a link to the folder, or upload to Blackboard. (Do NOT send me the actual files -- this will be a large size for email.

4. Study for the QUIZ

  • Slide decks from weeks 4 and 5 - anything on these decks is fair game.
  • Mostly multiple choice.

If you have any questions, are having difficulty with the assignment or studying, or would just like some feedback, book a meeting with me: 

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Homework Due 9/27 or 9/28

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: September 26, 2023 at 8:17 am

The homework assignment is also posted in the slide deck from last week.

Homework Assignment

Due: Wednesday, September 27 or Thursday, September 28 (depending on your section)

Homework Instructions:

  1. Read w3schools CSS tutorial, from sections: Home through Lists; then Display through Z-index; then Float, Combinators, Forms, Website Layout, Units, and Specificity.
  2. Edit your index.html pages to include a link to the CSS stylesheet. Create a style sheet and send it and your index.html page to my email address.
  3. Apply 5 styles that you learned about in the w3schools CSS tutorial: include a variety of styles (including colors, text formatting, and layout. I want to see that you played around with position and the box model (i.e., padding, border, margin). Include 5 different types of selectors. 

Note: if you are confused, keep trying. The best way to figure out how these work is by trying different things and playing around. Don't be afraid to experiment and break things!

Reading: - CSS section (see above for which pages.)