COMD 2451 – Web Design I

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

This Week: Bring Your Class FIles and Images to Class!

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: October 25, 2023 at 5:48 am

This week and going forward, we will be working on our final projects during a portion of the class. Because of this, please make sure you can access your folder with the beginnings of your portfolio site --- from the classroom. Otherwise, you'll lose valuable time during class.

(For you, that could look like uploading your image, html and css files to Google Drive or OneDrive, bringing your computer, or something else.)

This is a time to get valuable feedback on your work and have any questions answered that you may need.

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Our Class Slack Channel is Now Open!

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: October 22, 2023 at 11:26 am

Hi class! I just opened up our class Slack channel. This includes everybody in both my Wednesday and Thursday sections. Use this link to join.

You'll still look to your Blackboard and OpenLab as the source of truth for everything official for the class. And I'll still be available via email and Zoom calls. This Slack channel is meant to provide additional support for all the times between classes and student hours, so that you never have to feel stuck.

On this channel, you can post questions and discuss amongst yourselves, ask for clarification on an assignment you're working on, get peer feedback on your website, and more.

I will post additional resources and other interesting things on this channel, and encourage you to also post resources you found helpful so that other students can learn from them. One nice thing about this is that, even if I can't get to helping you right away, a classmate may have some insight in the meantime.

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Blackboard is now open (in Beta!)

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: October 16, 2023 at 12:20 pm

At long last, Blackboard is now open for you to submit your assignments!

I am still populating the rest of the course content in there (such as past presentation decks and resources), but for now, you should be able to at least submit homework assignments.

Please submit all assignments on Blackboard instead of emailing them to me.

And also, please let me know if you run into any problems accessing our Blackboard site or uploading your homework!

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Class Starts ON TIME this week

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: October 10, 2023 at 8:51 pm

We've been a little lax on start times lately, but because there is a lot of material to cover, we will start on time this week no matter what. Please be prompt -- I don't want you to miss anything!

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Missed Quiz #2 Makeup Opportunities this week!

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: October 10, 2023 at 2:18 pm

There were a couple of people who missed the quiz. There will be an opportunity this week to make it up.

Wednesday (TOMORROW!), right before class at 11:40am. Open to either class .

Thursday (for Thursday class ONLY!!!) 2:00pm.

Profile picture of Marolin

RE: Missed Quiz #2 Makeup Opportunities this week!

Posted by: Marolin
Posted on: October 12, 2023 at 1:36 pm

Hello professor can i make it up in or after class I can’t get there before 2:30pm