COMD 2451 – Web Design I

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Week 5 Assignment: Blackboard Glitch Fixed

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: March 13, 2024 at 5:55 pm

Class -

Some of you were not able to submit the Week 5 assignment on Blackboard. I have fixed the issue and you should be able to submit it now. Let me know if you're having any issues posting this assignment or any others!

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Week 5 Assignment is Posted

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: March 4, 2024 at 6:06 pm

Hi Students,

Week 5 homework is now available on Blackboard; my apologies for the delay.

If you're in the Thursday class, the assignment you see is consistent with what I asked you to do in class. So just everything you see on Blackboard , and try to do it by the end of the week if possible. Let me know if you have any questions.

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Blackboard is Working, and Week 2 Homework is Posted

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: February 6, 2024 at 9:12 am

Hi Students,

Blackboard is now working for the Thursday section! Also, I have posted the Week 2 homework in Blackboard.

For your convenience, here's the homework assignment:

Week 2 Homework

1. Please download Visual Studio Code at (if you haven't already)

2. Complete the HTML tutorials on from “HTML Introduction” through “HTML Comments.” (this will help you know how to complete the assignment below)

3. Create an HTML file. In it, write a paragraph about your experience in college so far and what work you want to do when you graduate. It can be as long or short as you like, as long as it contains the below elements! Make sure to include:

- a heading in a heading element

- a paragraph in a paragraph element

- some text in italics.

- a quote you like, using HTML to apply either a blockquote or quotation marks.

- a line break

- Include your name...AND style it in your favorite color.

- an HTML comment. 

- a link to an external image. Make sure it contains an alt attribute describing the image

4. Upload your .html file to Blackboard.

Profile picture of Joshua.Blas

RE: Blackboard is Working, and Week 2 Homework is Posted

Posted by: Joshua.Blas
Posted on: February 8, 2024 at 10:51 am

professor i cant get into the blackboard

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Eleventh-hour checklist: Does Your Final Project Meet All the Criteria?

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: December 22, 2023 at 11:19 pm

Hi students,

As we get down to the eleventh hour, remember a couple things:

  • Your professor is tired and is going to sleep. This means that I may turn a blind eye if I see submissions made after midnight. So don't give up if you are running out of time. You may be able to squeeze in another assignment.
  • If you need to operate heavy machinery tomorrow or drive, disregard the above info; safety first!
  • Since your final project part 2 (the website) is a link to a website, you can submit it tonight, but still make updates to it tomorrow and be within the time frame.

Regardless of when you do what, I highly recommend you check through this list to ensure that your website achieves all these requirements :


I. Logistics

Website is hosted on GitHub, and link to GitHub repository or URL has been provided ( is not allowed)

Professor has been added to GitHub repository as a collaborator

Repository is organized neatly with css in a "css" folder and images in an "assets" or "images" folder

Code is cleanly written and indented

There are no major code errors; all page elements appear properly.

II. <head>

<title> tag contains the title of the website.

each html file contains link to a css file (inside of a folder)

each html file contains link to w3.css the appropriate fonts are linked if needed (e.g. Google fonts or Webkit)

each page on the website has the same style sheets applied; resulting in a cohesive look and feel throughout the site

III. About

There is an About page or an About section, containing at least a paragraph about the student

IV. Contact

There is a Contact page or sectionThe Contact section contains a Contact FormThe Contact Form uses and it works; I can successfully submit a form using it.

V. Resume

There is a Resume page or section, and the resume is created in code.

VI. Artwork

There are at least 4 pieces of original media created by the student.

All images contain alt attributes with meaningful descriptions

The user can view each of these pieces of media in a gallery, and can see them at a size large enough to appreciate them. (you can achieve this in multiple ways: a) thumbnails which, once clicked, show a larger version, or b) images that are large enough in the first place that they don't need enlarging.

VII. Required Elements

Navigation is at the top of each page and is the same on every page

Navigation: all links work, from all pages.

JavaScript is used somewhere on the site, and it works.

VIII. Appearance

Website is fully responsive and works well at all screen widths. It uses w3.css (recommended), or some other framework, or has achieved responsiveness effectively by some other means.

Content is laid out cleanly using the principles of CRAP; objects are aligned and it's not too busy.

Colors used for background and text pass color contrast checker tests.

IX. Extra Credit

Thought and care is taken with content and copy; complete sentences, spell-checked. Attention to detail is considered.

Profile picture of Sandra Lloyd

Last-Minute Reminder: How To Do The GitHub Things (the ones you need to get a good grade on your project)

Posted by: Sandra Lloyd
Posted on: December 22, 2023 at 9:21 pm

Hi students,

When you submit your final project, you need to do a few things on GitHub. Here are the instructions on how to do all the GitHub things. Do them, and things will go much more smoothly. Message me if you have questions or run into problems.


  1. Do you have a repository for your final project? If not, watch this video to set it up. Make sure that your repository is set to PUBLIC.
  2. Open up your GitHub repository. Click the "+" or "add file" button on the top next to the green "Code" button, and choose "upload files." You will see a large box that says "drag files here to add them to your repository."
  3. Go to your local file directory on your computer where you keep your files (if you keep your files on, first download them as a zip, then extract the zip, and continue these instructions.)
  4. delete all the extra junk you don't need (including the replit.nix file if you downloaded from!), and anything that isn't part of your website. GitHub is finicky; even one word doc in your repository can keep the entire site from working!
  5. Check spelling. Make sure your home page is called "index.html". With a lowercase "i". Your website won't work unless you have it spelled exactly this way. Also make sure that none of your files have spaces in them.
  6. select all of the files and folders remaining that you want to bring over to GitHub. (note: do NOT select the folder that contains all the files. You should grab: all your html files, your css folder, your assets folder, and a js folder if you have one.


  1. drag these files over on top of the "drag files here..." box in GitHub, and let go!
  2. Wait until the files finish uploading
  3. Hit the green "Commit changes" button and follow the prompts. You don't have to write a comment unless you want to.


  1. go to "Collaborators" on the left sidebar. Enter your password if prompted.
  2. click "add people"
  3. enter "sandblasta" - that is my username. then click the green button.


  1. From your repository, go to "Settings" (the gear on the top right of the page), then click "Pages" on the left sidebar.
  2. Under "Branch" in the middle of the page, click the dropdown that says "none" and change it to "main." Then click the "Save" button to the right of it.  
  3. If you do not have "Branch" and these buttons, then you probably need to set your repository to public. To do this: Go to General on the left sidebar, then scroll down to the bottom of the page where it says "Danger Zone". Hit "Change Visibility" button and follow the prompts to change it to public.
  4. Go back to "Pages" and complete step 2 with Branch.
  5. Wait about 2 minutes, then refresh the browser. You will see at the top of the page a box with a bold blue link that says, "Your site is live at:...". That's your GitHub website URL! Paste that into the assignment submission.