Class Activities/Student Assignments

(A breakdown of how students engage with course content)

Unit 1: Why Government, Why Politics?

  1. Students read Chapter 1, “Why Government? Why Politics?,” in the textbook American Government.
  2. Students watch Instructor Video Lecture #1, “Why Government? Why Politics?,” and review corresponding Powerpoint Outline.
  3. Students watch Khan Academy Video #1, “Democratic Ideals of US government.”
  4. Students complete Blackboard Quiz #1, “Democratic Ideals of US government.”

Unit 2: The U.S. System of Constitutional Government

  1. Students read Chapter 2, “The U.S. System of Constitutional Government,” in the textbook American Government.
  2. Students watch Instructor Video Lecture #2, “The U.S. System of Constitutional Government,” and review corresponding Powerpoint Outline.
  3. Students watch Khan Academy Video #2, “The Preamble to the Constitution.”
  4. Students complete Blackboard Quiz #2, “The Preamble to the Constitution.”

Unit 3: Federalism

  1. Students read Chapter 6, “Federalism,” in the textbook American Government.
  2. Students watch Instructor Video Lecture #3, “Federalism,” and review corresponding Powerpoint Outline.
  3. Students watch Khan Academy Video #3, “Federalism in the United States.”
  4. Students complete Blackboard Quiz #3, “Federalism in the United States.”

Unit 4: Exam #1

  1. Complete Blackboard Exam #1 (Units 1-3).

Unit 5: Congress

  1. Students read Chapter 3, “Congress,” in the textbook American Government.
  2. Students watch Instructor Video Lecture #4, “Congress,” and review corresponding Powerpoint Outline.
  3. Students watch Khan Academy Video #4 “Article I of the Constitution.”
  4. Students complete Blackboard Quiz #4-“Article I of the Constitution.”

Unit 6: The Presidency

  1. Students read Chapter 4, “The Presidency,” in the textbook American Government.
  2. Students watch Instructor Video Lecture #5, “The Presidency,” and review corresponding Powerpoint Outline Outline.
  3. Students watch Khan Academy Video #5, “Article II of the Constitution.”
  4. Students complete Blackboard Quiz #5,“Article II of the Constitution.”
  5. Students read “The Pros and Cons of the Electoral College,” by Steve Cohen et al. (Congressional Digest, June 2020, pp. 18-28). Students can download this article from the City Tech Library using the above link. A response paper for this article is due on ____. The instruction sheet for this assignment is posted on Blackboard.

Unit 7: The Judiciary

  1. Students read Chapter 5, “The Judiciary,” in the textbook American Government.
  2. Students watch Instructor Video Lecture #6, “The Judiciary,” and review corresponding Powerpoint Outline.
  3. Students watch Khan Academy Video #6, “Article III of the Constitution.”
  4. Students complete Blackboard Quiz #6,“Article III of the Constitution.”

Unit 8: Exam #2

  1. Complete Blackboard Exam #2 (Units 5-7).

Unit 9: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights

  1. Students read Chapter 18, “Civil Liberties and Civil Rights” in the textbook American Government.
  2. Students watch Instructor Video Lecture #7, “Civil Liberties and Civil Rights,” and review corresponding Powerpoint Outline.
  3. Students watch Khan Academy Video #7, “The First Amendment.”
  4. Students complete Blackboard Quiz #7, “The First Amendment.”

Unit 10: Public Opinion

  1. Students read Chapter 8, “Public Opinion” in the textbook American Government.
  2. Students watch Instructor Video Lecture #8, “Public Opinion,” and review corresponding Powerpoint Outline.
  3. Students watch Khan Academy Video #8, “Measuring public opinion.”
  4. Students complete Blackboard Quiz #8, “Measuring public opinion.”

Unit 11: Political Ideology

  1. Students read Chapter 9, “Political Ideology” in the textbook American Government.
  2. Students watch Instructor Video Lecture #9, “Political Ideology,” and review corresponding Powerpoint Outline.
  3. Students watch Khan Academy video #9, “Ideologies of political parties in the United States.”
  4. Students complete Blackboard Quiz #9-“Ideologies of political parties in the United States.”

Unit 12: Exam #3

  1. Complete Blackboard Exam #3 (Units 9-11).

Unit 13: Crime Policy

  1. Students read Chapter 16, “Crime Policy” in the textbook American Government.
  2. Students watch Instructor Video Lecture #10, “Crime Policy,” and review corresponding Powerpoint Outline.
  3. Students watch Khan Academy Video #10,“The Fourth Amendment.”
  4. Students complete Blackboard Quiz #10,“The Fourth Amendment”
  5. Students read “Policing and the “War on Black Bodies,” by Chenjerai Kumanyika. (College Literature, Winter 2016, pp. 252-258). Students can download this article from the City Tech Library using the above link. A response paper for this article is due on _____. The instruction sheet for this assignment is posted on Blackboard.

Unit 14: The Media, Government, and Politics

  1. Students read Chapter 7, “The Media, Government, and Politics” in the textbook American Government.
  2. Watch Instructor Video Lecture #11, “The Media, Government, and Politics,” and review corresponding Powerpoint Outline.
  3. Watch Khan Academy Video #11, “Impact of media evolution on politics.”
  4. Complete Blackboard Quiz #11,“Impact of media evolution on politics.”

Unit 15: Global Affairs

  1. Students read Chapter 17, “Global Affairs” in the textbook American Government.
  2. Students watch Instructor Video Lecture #12, “Global Affairs,” and review corresponding Powerpoint Outline.
  3. Students watch Council on Foreign Relations Video #12, “The Role of Congress and the President in Foreign Policy.”
  4. Students complete Blackboard Quiz #12, “The Role of Congress and the President in Foreign Policy.”

Unit 16: Exam #4

  1. Complete Blackboard Exam #4 (Units 12-14).
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