The World’s 50 Best Restaurants List Comes Out Monday. Already, There’s Drama.

This brief article from Food Republic was posted last week, prior to the release of the World’s 50 Best Restaurant’s List.

Meanwhile, a movement called Occupy 50 Best … is gaining some attention for calling for increased transparency in the awards. The creators … call the awards ‘opaque, sexist and complacent.’ They argue that the process of selecting the award’s jury and its winners is unexplained, biased, and male-dominated and that many regions are underrepresented.”

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One Response to The World’s 50 Best Restaurants List Comes Out Monday. Already, There’s Drama.

  1. Jennifer Lin says:

    This is very interesting, I just searched up the list. Noma in Copenhagen (#3 on the list in 2015) is one of “must go” restaurant I have in mind when I do visit Denmark. Regardless that Daniel lost one Michelin or not… it is definitely still on my list. I need to save up a lot to catch on with the list.

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