Wi-Fi in Hotels?


Throughout time, hotel seeks to change for the better for the customers. Wi-Fi is a must for travelers. Years ago, high brand hotels charges approx. $20-$30 for wi-fi which is such a high rate in my opinion. Most of the complaints were coming from the wi-fi charges. But nowadays, many hotels are changing the policy and offering free wi-fi for its customers if they join their program. Wi-fi makes guest more satisfied and stay within the property more.

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8 Responses to Wi-Fi in Hotels?

  1. Jennifer Lin says:

    It is true. Most people check if there is Wi-Fi the first thing once they go somewhere, rather it is a restaurant or a public place, especially hotels. It is expected to have free Wi-Fi, but I know some hotels only have Wi-Fi in public places, but have a surcharge in their rooms unless you join their reward program. I think that is a good way to market their hotel program, since free Wi-Fi will be one of its perks.

  2. Carline says:

    Hotels definitely need to get with the program and stop charging for Wi-Fi. Guest love to be connected at all times through social media. To be charged for Wi-Fi while staying at a hotel when you’re paying a lot of money to stay at their hotel a night is a big inconvenience. Guest will find a way to get Wi-Fi elsewhere. Hotels should remember that consumers will find a way to express their frustration and disappoint through social media. Hotels should find a way to make their guest happy and offer Wi-Fi whether it is through their loyalty program or another perk but it should be offered as complementary.

  3. Vivian Ho says:

    I think hotels should whether charge or offer a faster tier of Internet access. My past experience of staying in hotel , streaming movies in my laptop such as Netflix was never in motion without using a faster Wi-Fi. Hotels should make their guest happy and offer a stable Wi-Fi. Free Wi-Fi should be part of the basic package in the hotel’s room rate. Also, some hotels like Hyatt have already had two different internet access specially for visitors and guests.

  4. Stephanie says:

    I agree with Vivian because nowadays everyone goes into restaurants or basically, anywhere just for the Wi-Fi. I had the same experience when I was on vacation in Mexico last year; people wouldn’t even mind if the restaurant or establishment had air conditioner or how high the prices were, they would only ask if they could have the password for the Wi-Fi. I was impressed to see people buying anything just to get the Wi-Fi password. I liked the idea of the two different types of internet access because it will show the guests that they are getting a special type of service just by staying at their Hotels.

  5. Tory says:

    Although I have a true unlimited grandfathered data plan from att on my mobile, I still will only stay at a hotel if they are offering me free wifi. What I don’t like about a free wifi policy is that the public gets the code and wants to take up all the relaxing space in the lobby and I the customer paying over a hundred for a room cannot enjoy to sit down because of its public policy. Hotels definitely need to have a tiered program on free wifi.. fast connection for its customers and slow for those just visiting the public spaces.

  6. johnadamidis says:

    Great article Sally,
    Everybody enjoys free wifi and nowadays its considered a must have for all businesses especially for hotels where guests stay for a substantial amount of time. I remember when many guests had complaints about their hotel experienced and we generated negative reviews at Tripadvisor when the wifi connection at the hotel I work was slow. But the solution is not always that easy. We changed to Verizon Fios and the company had to invest over $ 100,000 to change provider and upgrade. After a year into the new wifi service we still get complaints that are hurting (much fewer of course) Now management is advised to upgrade and replace cabling and put better fiber optic lines than previously installed which means that replacing them would need construction work and additional huge costs.
    Hotels should invest in initial infrastructure when first building their hotels and opt to install fiber optics for wifi. This is one of the main reasons hotels can’t get fast and quality wifi in their properties. Another solution as mentioned above is to have two different: a free one for all guests and a second much faster (maybe even with a small charge) for people who need reliable and fast wifi service.

  7. Luis says:

    Guests and Travelers are always going to want the “more bang for your buck” deals and hotels need to realize that WiFi is becoming a more needed service to every traveler. WiFi should always be offer free to guests in my opinion , the Hyatt that I work in offers free WiFi without any charges. Hotel companies need to evaluate what guests are looking for during their stays , primarily business travelers.

  8. Peggy Z. says:

    I have noticed many chain hotels offering free wi-fi to their most preferred guests only. There are also many hotels today that offer free wi-fi to all. Unfortunately there are those that do not offer free wi-fi and are charging $10+ per day. I wonder how it affects their business. I wonder if in the bigger picture hotels are generating more revenue by charging these guests are less. In my opinion charging for wi-fi would generate less revenue. I think less rooms will be booked and will have a negative impact on guest experiences. I think charging for wi-fi would upset many travelers that did not do their research ahead of time and only find out upon check-in. I believe hotel ratings will go down as well do to negative comments such as charging for wi-fi.

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