Electronic Profile Submission (Rafael Dominguez)

My name is Rafael Dominguez. I’m a student in City Tech College. I am studying hospitality management. My goal is to become a general manager. I’m so obsessed to become a general manager, Because since i was in my childhood. I always admired my uncle who graduated from City Tech College , and became a general manager at more than one hotel in the Dominican Republic. Also, my older sister graduated from City Tech College, and she is in charge of the revenue area at the New Yorker hotel located at 34 Street in Manhattan. I always admired the variety of languages in the world and i find myself very comfortable in the hospitality industry  because of the advantages that speaking more than one language gives you in this industry.  Languages are something that I really want to learn many,many languages without having a limit and to become a general manager in hospitality management is been my first goal since day one.

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