Peter Zhang

I am attending City Tech in the Hospitality Management being a graduate from William E.Grady High School. I took the culinary arts program for 3 years and found it very interesting but it was more interesting when I’m cooking with my friends. My teachers, Mrs. William who is a graduate from City Tech and Mrs. Yourman who is a graduate from CIA (Culinary Institute of America)  taught me about cooking methods, knife skills, and having hands-on experience by working in the teacher’s cafe.

During my high school career, I also participated in the C-CAP program which provides hands-on experience in a kitchen so students can learn. The C-CAP programs also give out scholarships but not for free, as students need to participated in the C-CAP competition and past the preliminary which I didn’t but it was exciting and Tense at the same time but it was a good learning experience. Other C-CAP programs I attended were Winter Chef, Job Shadow, Spring Chef. Winter Chef and Spring Chef are the same but at different time of the year where students traveled to Kings borough Community college to learn different culture cooking like Italian, French, Chinese, etc for four days straight,  Job Shadow is when students traveled to a professional dining facilities for hands-on experience and learning how they operated. These programs help me improved and taught other kind of culture food that I never heard of which was interesting. I still think that I have a lot more to learn before I choose what I want to be in the future. High School was exciting not just by the programs but also because of the Staff and student/friends. I join the chess Club with my friends and we won second place with team effort and this was the first time Grady Chess team got a trophy which we placed on the wall in the teacher conference room and I received a trophy for winning most of my individual games.

Originally, I thought about being a Chef but there were other options in the culinary arts career so I decided to wait and go through college to see what I really want to do in the Culinary field. I believed rushing to your goals unprepared is a terrible mistake as people should take their time and study at home and at college to make sure they know everything they need to so that they can succeed in their dream.

One thought on “Peter Zhang

  1. Prof. Karen Goodlad

    Is Ms. William a graduate of City Tech? If I remember correctly a graduate named Michelle William teaches there. She has brought her students in for lunch in the Janet Lefler Dining Room in years past.


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