Along The Brooklyn Bridge Waterfront

Murielle Thimoleon, Tatiana Taylor, Kelly Mei, Anthony Espino, Jameesha Andrews

Professor Goodlad                                                                                                                10/7/14

Tourism through culture; what does that even mean to people today? As a group, I think we all have slightly different opinions of what that phrase means. However, I think our group can agree that tourism is the means to extending an experience through a different culture; in both the perspective of the provider or the provided. Cultural tourism was defined as “a mission to deliver memorable experiences and learning opportunities in the areas of heritage, international exchange, and humanities.” by There are many aspects of cultural tourism; food and history are the biggest parts of it.

Eating at the park is still in the process of expansion at Brooklyn Bridge Park. There are several places and events there including smorgasbord, Fornino’s, and just before you enter the park by pier one, is the Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory.

The Brooklyn Bridge Park provides all aspects of tourism. The historical content lies within the geography itself. Park the tour guides will most likely say that early twentieth century, the park was a docking area. That’s where many of the shipments for New York came in. Even farther back in time, settlers carried their goods from pier one to lower Manhattan. It was the shortest way to transport their goods. Everyone in New York is an immigrant. We all came from somewhere else. Our ancestors may have come in from the waterfront looking for better lives.

There are also smaller parts of cultural tourism that are important too. The Brooklyn Bridge Waterfront Coalition was created by founders who wanted to displace art in a convenient way so that people can see it. Bargemusic is considered to many as a cultural icon. Uprising artists and musicians perform so that it brings together people from different parts of life together. Also the DUMBO Arts Festival. It’s a three day celebration of art.

There are other activities like bicycling throughout New York. The thousand foot photographic instillation on pier five and the Water Front Adventure are great ways to explore the water front while doing something that is a part of New York’s culture.

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