Nicole Maldonado

 I am a nineteen year old freshman attending New York City College of Technology. In my Academic years I have always obtained B’s and above. I attended a film high school where I studied the film curriculum for four years. I learned how to edit films, make music videos and I learned how to analyze a character. I am a freshman attending New York City college of Technology. I am majoring in Hospitality Management. I hope to open up my restaurant in the future. I came to this school for two reasons. One, because it had the major that I want to pursue. The second reason I came to this school is because of the community. I lived in Spanish Harlem all my life and I wanted to get familiar with this borough.  

Although I did enjoy the film industry it just wasn’t something I could picture myself doing everyday. Culinary has always caught my attention ever since I was a little girl. I grew up in a family with a lot of girls and I remember always seeing them cook food in the kitchen. As a young girl I watched cooking channels and cooked while the shows were playing. Although I am a big fan of cooking, I am not a huge fan of baking. I enjoy cooking for people and seeing their reaction when they eat my food. I hope this school teaches me how to differentiate the various foods and seasonings. I also want to learn anything else in the kitchen that’s going to enhance my experience. 

I personally would say that I am a strong person because I have had to build myself after going through various difficult issues. I am quite a character some would refer to me as a sour patch, because I am a genuine person who cares naturally for other but I can also be a very sour person in which stands up for herself when she feels disrespected and not always in the nicest of ways. I would say that a strength I have is the ability to talk to others and help them through any issues they have going on and motivate them to do what would be best for them. It is difficult and most times uncomfortable for me personally to express my strengths because I do not particularly like engaging about myself as much as I love to learn and engage in conversations to learn about others. I would rather talk about others and fix their problems then speak to others about my own and myself. 

3 thoughts on “Nicole Maldonado

  1. Murielle

    Hi Nicole! I liked your post but I do have to disagree with one thing you said about yourself. I don’t think you have sour patch qualities. My first impression of you was quite and poliet. Be proud of that. 🙂

  2. Prof. Karen Goodlad

    I like that you follow along with cooking shows, so often the recipes are easy to replicate if you have the ingredients and it seems like you have done that. cooking and baking are very different, cooking is a lot more forgiving of trial and error while baking is an exact science.

    I hope to taste your food some day.


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