Marilyn Marte

I came to The United States six years ago looking forward to get a better life. I did high school in my country. When I got here first thing I did was get into a ESL program to learn English as a second language. Everything was difficult , the environment, language, the different cultures, and of course to settle down in this huge country.

None of these struggles stop me from pursuing my goal which is achieving my career. After my ESL program, in 2011 I started as a freshman at Bronx Community college, where I got my associates this summer 2014. I transferred  to City Tech this fall , My major is Hospitality Management. Few mounts ago when I was about to transfer I didn’t have any idea of what I wanted until a friend of mine who already graduated from City Tech in the same major, told me and explained the great opportunities and the wide and span options I can choose from this career. After hearing all her advises I did some research and got very interesting in hotel management and tourism because I like to travel and meet people. My career goal is to feel comfortable in what I’m doing and make my guests feel comfortable as well. I really don’t have a lot of experience in this industry but I’m looking forward to put my effort to learn as much as I can . My dream job is to become a GM at one of the Marriott Hotels. hopefully, been in City Tech studying this particular field get me in the right direction. During this career I hope to meet a lot of friends to share our best knowledge about this great career. I’m currently working at Olive Garden restaurant, like a said i’m interesting in hotel management but for now i’m getting some experience in the culinary area and who knows in the future I become a chef.

7 thoughts on “Marilyn Marte

  1. Ayako

    Dear Marilyn
    Your background is wonderful! I’m very glad to meet you here as one of my classmates. I had a same situation as yours because I went to ESL school as well until last semester. I respect you because you could improve and develop your skills in your life. I have one question about your college before you come to this college. What was your major in Bronx community college? Is that related with this major? I think I heard before, but I prefer to make sure.

    1. Marilyn Marte Post author

      No, my major at Bronx Community College was completely different from Hospitality because just few mounts ago i didn’t know what wanted to majoring in, but im so glad i found my passion and im loving all my classes!.


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