wiki poetry stub

For my assignment i would love to elaborate on the poem called still i rise by Maya Angelou. What attracted me to that poem was the title. It seems as if it has so much comaprision to my life, no matter how bad things get you have to push through and make it to the top. i logged into the library data bass and found a few links to this book. I also posted a video. Here they are.

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Wikipedia Poetry Stub

Ever since we discussed anti-poetry in class Ive been very interested in finding out its true meaning. Some people had different ideas as to what anti poetry meant. My Wikipedia assignment will be on anti-poetry. I didn’t find any library sources on this subject I don’t know if i was searching in the right place or not.

Wikipedia Stub:

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Wikipedia Poetry Stub

Poetry Stub:

I will be expanding on the term Fingerplay. Fingerplay is a term used to describe hand movements coordinated with words to engage the childs intrest. I think it will be intresting to find other peoms or chants that use fingerplay.

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Wikipedia poet stub

I will be expanding on the  Hartford Wits stub by adding more information about some of the members. Found information on Joel Barlow and Richard Aslop so far.

Some sources:




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Wikipedia assignment

The wikipedia assignment that I would like to work on is

I have not yet chosen two sources from the library database because I am unable to access the library at this time. I am out of the country. However, I will have two sources for our next Tuesday class.

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Wiki: Poetry Stub

For the Wikipedia assignment I would like to expand on haikai from the poetry stub.

Two sources that I have found in the library catalog are:

– By Crowley, Cheryl A. called  Haikai poet Yosa Buson and the Basho revival

– By Kerkham, H. Eleanor. called Matsuo Basho’s poetic spaces exploring haikai intersection /  


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Monorhyme stub- Wikipedia Assignment

For my wikipedia assignment, I will be expanding the information provided in the wikipedia stub titled “Monorhyme”. Monorhyme refers to a poem in which the lines end in identical rhymes. Although we have not encountered a monorhyme poem, I believe it would be an enjoyable challenge trying to find appropriate examples.

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Wikipedia: Broken Rhyme

I’ve chosen to update the Poetry stub, Broken Rhyme. It’s a very interesting trick of using fragments of words to rhyme with other words. Before this post, I’ve found two reputable sources that I’ll use for the stub.

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DLee WIKI Stub : Action Poetry


I am expanding the Wikipedia Stub on action poetry (  It’s surprising that this is even a Wiki stub; I have found a lot of different forms of poetry that can be easily classified as action poetry.  There are even groups dedicated to creating action poetry all over the world, even right here in New York City.  Just visit St. Mark’s Place downtown, DUMBO, Williamsburg, and you will see the many different forms of action poetry and poetic art displayed all along the walls of businesses, buildings, train stations, even entire blocks.  Some sources I have found include:
Poetry Slam linked form Wikipedia:

Art Alley Mural Project

Examples of Poetic Murals:

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Anti-poetry stub

I will doing my Wikipedia assignment on anti-poetry. After discussing the subject in class and reading about it. I am really interested in researching about the subject and I will be looking forward to it.

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