Category Archives: Uncategorized

Gold in the Ore: 3/8

I find it amazing how one poem can have a different meaning depending on the individuals life, situations or culture. Your meaning of the poem can simply come from picking the word that stands out most to you. From sitting … Continue reading

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Views of Poetry

I believe that this class heightened my fascination with poetry and the use of words. I enjoy hearing about how poems are translated to us in a wide variety of ways. My classmates’ interpretations of poems proved to me the … Continue reading

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3/8 Assignment

At the beginning of semester, I think poetry is the most boring and confusing subject. However, as the semester goes on, this class is building up my interested in poetry and encourage me to think “outside the box” when I … Continue reading

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Assignment 3/8

In this class has change how a poem can be direct or have multiple ideas. One may interpret the poem one way as another person interpret differently. It interesting as I only known that poems were made up of rhyme and symbolism but … Continue reading

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3/8 Gold in the Ore

I found it interesting when I was reading the beginning of the chapter. The way that our vocal muscles were stimulated as we read sounded very familiar to me. It makes a lot of sense to associate the psychology behind … Continue reading

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Gold in the Ore

This chapter talks about “the sound of poetry”, how the “upness”  and “downess” of vowel sounds affect us physically in different ways. Examples are how our hearts “sinks” when we grief or how high expressions represent excitement. It also talks … Continue reading

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Assignment 3/8

What I find the most interesting about our class discussions so far are the amount of interpretations and the difference ininterpretations of poems from my various classmates. For example- The Sick Rose by William Blake. My interpretation of this poem … Continue reading

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Assignment 3/8

                At the beginning of the course we were asked to define poetry, I defined it as something that makes you feel some type of emotion. This class has helped me to realize that not all poetry has such a … Continue reading

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Lost In Translation (Writing Assignment 3/8)

My opinion on what “poetry” is has not changed at all. I think poetry is just a word that defines expressing one’s own thoughts or ideas. Even something that cannot think can express “poetry”. I see poetry everywhere, even in … Continue reading

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Thursday Assignment 3/8

I never really understood poetry before taking this class. I like the fact that every time we read a new poem we take time to break the poem down and explain every part. Also, when we take time to hear … Continue reading

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