Author Archives: zyxelthrone

the silken tent v2

  Original post—-> The poem “The silken tent” by Robert Frost, to me it was a bit weird by the way it is word and clarification. Each line mean something give us a feeling of something. In addition, something that … Continue reading

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Wiki post

Death, be not proud  

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Wikipedia Assignment: Draft 1

I will be doing Villard Denis ( * EARLY LIFE The poet Villard Denis was born in port-au-Prince, Haiti on December 2, 1940. Villard lives with his parent that owned the plantation which was limited near Laforesterie, an area in … Continue reading

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The silken tent

The poem ” The silken tent” by Robert Frost, to me it was a bit weird by the way it is word and clarification. Each line mean something give us a feeling of something. Ex. ‘At midday when the sunny summer … Continue reading

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Assignment 3/8

In this class has change how a poem can be direct or have multiple ideas. One may interpret the poem one way as another person interpret differently. It interesting as I only known that poems were made up of rhyme and symbolism but … Continue reading

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