Class Notes – 3/27/12

Acquainted with the night
luminary – 2
night – 5
acquainted- 7
walked – 2
time – 1

Acquainted with the night — repetition
describing that night
reiteration — creates emphasis

what is the difference between first and last line

1st — sets mood and idea of poem
last — supports it

1st – statement
last – synopsis

journeying through the night

1st and last — relation to time
cycle — end where you start

is he saying “I have been someone who has experience with the night”

one with the universe — he is the night — not a person — the night

emphasizing ALONEness

my acquaintance with the night is a different one than everyone else’s — your interaction with the night wasn’t like mine

one with environment —

acquainted — be familiar with

have come into contact with it

acquaintance —

denotative meaning
connotative meaning

not human?
moon / night

about time

troubled times/suicide/depression

homelessness, rootlessness


loneliness, sadness of human condition


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2 Responses to Class Notes – 3/27/12

  1. islam says:

    I just visited another peotry class and i can say that the experiance was different. i felt better commenting on another class profile because i felt as if i was a critict and it was my job to correct or apploud the writers on their work. over all it was a great experiance and i would have done it again.

  2. Prof. Gold says:

    Hi Islam,

    Please see the assignment — you should post your reflection on the experience as a blog post, not as a comment on the assignment.


    Prof. Gold

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