All around us


While at church last week it hit me. Many Christians go to church every week and read the Bible every week without realizing that poetry exists in that very book. 

My pastor read from Psalms 1-

“He shall be like a tree / Planted by the rivers of water, / That brings forth its fruit in its season, / Whose leaf also shall not wither; / And whatever he does shall prosper”

Reminded me of the poem with the rose except not sad. More a message of blessings.
“Like a tree” – simile
I don’t think I would have picked up on that before this class. Changed my outlook on a lot of things. Sort of taught me to look for poetry in everything.

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5 Responses to All around us

  1. Prof. Gold says:

    Yes, yes, yes. YES!!! This is wonderful, Drucilla.

  2. Account Deleted says:

    Good observation because as a Christian myself I would read the bible but before this class I wouldn’t take the time to sit and critically analyze the words of the bible but now after being aware of what is a simile or a metaphor or the reason why poet use repetition I see it everywhere in the Bible and that goes to show how far poetry started.

  3. Amanda says:

    That’s really true. Poetry is even in the places you would not expect it to be. And i agree with redd in the part that poetry goes way back.

  4. I enjoyed reading your post. I never thought about the biblical scriptures as a form of poetry. But if we really think about it, people gather many times to analyze the true meanings of what is written in the Bible. They do the same thing we do in class, sit around and discuss what they think about the reading and how it relates to our lives today.

  5. Pingback: All Around Us (March 18, 2012) Revised | ENGL 2003: Introduction to Poetry

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