Assignment for Thursday

Note: You should have received an email from me with a link to this assignment. If you did not receive it, please let me know.

Western Wind (WW): “Before We Begin”
Theodore Roethke, “My Papa’s Waltz” (221)
–> both readings are available on our Readings page

What is poetry?

Please add a roughly 200-word comment to this post that presents a definition of poetry. You should:
1. Explain why you think it’s a good one;
2. Cite the definition if you’ve found it on the web;
3. Compare your definition to one that another student has added in a comment here.

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46 Responses to Assignment for Thursday

  1. puny07 says:

    Poetry is the beauty of creating, formaing a writing art piece. Poetry can be a poem, a song, movie or film. In poetry languages is knowlege writting with delighful tone, emotional, intemsity or profound insight and drama. Over many decades we have enjoy many different poets that poses the knowlege of creating wonderful poems like
    Sheaspeare, William Blake, and Walt Whitman.

  2. jsylvesterd says:

    Poetry can be defined as a “Literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm”. I favor this definition because I believe poetry is designed to make us feel emotions and share ideas and thoughts with each other. Since poetry has no “definite interpretation” we are allowed to let our imaginations roam and interpret in many different ways. This definition also gives insight to how poetry can be different from prose by including that it has “distinctive style and rhythm”. Poetic styles or techniques can vary from metaphors, repetition, word counting, and etc. Prose is often ordinary speech without any specific structure. My definition differs from puny07 because it is more structural. It does not give examples on the types of poetry nor does it specify the types of emotions or feelings that poetry can inspire.,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=fd13693318f97430&biw=1192&bih=465

    • Prof. Gold says:

      jsylvesterd: is poetry always literary? and what leads you to say that “all poetry is designed to make us feel emotions and share ideas and thoughts with each other”?

    • Prof. Gold says:

      Also, look at what you’re citing above: a google search. Instead, please cite the actual source of the quotation.

    • heramb08 says:

      i believe what ‘jsylvesterd’ said is a perfect answer… because poetry can be different to everyone and bring out all different types of emotions, example if were to read a poem which was designed to be angry… i can interpret it to be the writers personality, and can take it not in a literal sense but in a figurative sense to mean happiness or sarcasm…

  3. jsylvesterd says:

    Poetry is not always literary it can also be narrative, such as Shakespeare’s plays. I think poetry can also be lyrical as well because songwriter’s lyrics are creative and artistic. I believe that poetry is designed to make us feel emotions because most of them focus on the aesthetics of language. They use imagery and creativity to get us to imagine and interpret in our own way. These emotions can range from peacefulness, anger, love, and etc. I also believe that the author wants us to share our different ideas because poetry is often written so that there is room for many different perspectives. It is not clear and cut such as prose where there is a main idea and supporting details. Maybe not all poetry has this purpose but I think that part of truly enjoying poetry or art comes from deciphering its meaning and discussing with others.

  4. LG29 says:

    According to Britannica Encyclopedia poetry is ” literature that evokes a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience or a specific emotional response through language chosen and arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm.” This is a good definition because a poem can have endless meaning based on the person reading it based on how they are feeling, age etc.

    “poetry.” EncyclopĂŚdia Britannica. EncyclopĂŚdia Britannica Online. EncyclopĂŚdia Britannica Inc., 2012. Web. 01 Feb. 2012. .

    • Prof. Gold says:

      Thanks. Can you say more? This response needs some development, and you need to compare your definition to that of another student above.

    • Windyj says:

      I think this answer actually get straight to the point i was trying to make. Different people will interpret poetry in their own way and they will have their own reaction to the work being presented. But to add to it poetry as i have said can become an escape for its audience, when the logical may be to much to handle .

  5. islam says:

    In my opinion poetry is a type of art. It is a flow of words that come out of one’s soul that strongly explains their type of feelings and emotions. Poetry is not always happy and its not always sad. Poetry can be a great way for an individual to express their feelings without violence and without foolishness. Once put on paper or layed across in your mind, those words knows as your “own poem” will stick with you and can change your lives. When I write poetry I feel free and I feel like nobody can stop me from what im about to write or say, because its my personal feelings. I can not be graded or fail because its coming from deep within. I agree with jsylvesterd becasue before i read all the comments i didnt think about shakespear being poetry but looking at your comment i realize it is..

    An Entrapment

    My love, I have tried with all my being
    to grasp a form comparable to thine own,
    but nothing seems worthy;

    I know now why Shakespeare could not
    compare his love to a summer’s day.
    It would be a crime to denounce the beauty
    of such a creature as thee,
    to simply cast away the precision
    God had placed in forging you.

    Each facet of your being
    whether it physical or spiritual
    is an ensnarement
    from which there is no release.
    But I do not wish release.
    I wish to stay entrapped forever.
    With you for all eternity.
    Our hearts, always as one.

    – Anthony Kolos –
    ive always loved this peom because it clearly expalins how love makes you feel. weather its wrong or right you want to stay. its a type of trap that is set on our hearts. It also mentions his thoughts on shakesspear which is very strong in a peom because theirs not one meaning or feeling towars shakesspear. The answers are endless becasue theirs no right or wrong answer with shakespear.

  6. islam says:

    In my opinion poetry is a type of art. It is a flow of words that come out of one’s soul that strongly explains their type of feelings and emotions. Poetry is not always happy and its not always sad. Poetry can be a great way for an individual to express their feelings without violence and without foolishness. Once put on paper or layed across in your mind, those words knows as your “own poem” will stick with you and can change your lives. When I write poetry I feel free and I feel like nobody can stop me from what im about to write or say, because its my personal feelings. I can not be graded or fail because its coming from deep within. I agree with jsylvesterd becasue before i read all the comments i didnt think about shakespear being poetry but looking at your comment i realize it is..

    An Entrapment

    My love, I have tried with all my being
    to grasp a form comparable to thine own,
    but nothing seems worthy;

    I know now why Shakespeare could not
    compare his love to a summer’s day.
    It would be a crime to denounce the beauty
    of such a creature as thee,
    to simply cast away the precision
    God had placed in forging you.

    Each facet of your being
    whether it physical or spiritual
    is an ensnarement
    from which there is no release.
    But I do not wish release.
    I wish to stay entrapped forever.
    With you for all eternity.
    Our hearts, always as one.

    – Anthony Kolos –
    ive always loved this peom because it clearly expalins how love makes you feel. weather its wrong or right you want to stay. its a type of trap that is set on our hearts. It also mentions his thoughts on shakesspear which is very strong in a peom because theirs not one meaning or feeling towars shakesspear. The answers are endless becasue theirs no right or wrong answer with shakespear.

  7. Windyj says:

    According to the website, poetry is an art form that is use to in the human language for its interpretation of emotions. Largely made up of oral as well as written work presented in a way that will derive some type of reaction from the audience. it uses literary elements to convey accross ideas. Poetry has been used as a way to record oral history and to also tell stories. When poems are written they are not in the same form as proper paragraph rather the are arrange in a n order that is considered to be poetic; by using line, couplet, strophe, stanza and verses. Poetry also consist of sound one of the most important part of the sound is the rhythm. As a result of poetry structural component it is often hard to translate a poem from one language to the next as it may lose its value. Poetry for many can be seen as an escape from reality and the logical. This is true from my point of view, I use to really enjoy writing when I was in High school and it was often to escape from real life situations.

  8. Poetry is feelings placed on paper. It is a form of expression that doesn’t limit the mind. When words are arranged in the form of poetry it gives the poet an avenue to define what was previously only in essence. According to Webster dictionary poetry is writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound, and rhythm. I believe poetry has been around for hundreds of years, however, I do not believe poetry started out as an avenue to incite feelings in the individuals that hear it. For example when reading the Psalms of the King James Bible, the poetry used was a form of prayer. These prayers were between God and man, not to convey a specific point to an audience. Poetry has many uses; prayer, song, to provoke or entice. The fact remains, the true meaning of poetry lies within the beholder. Poetry is what you make it.

    • islam says:

      i like that< its says continously the writing of our book, the quran is a form of poetry and while reading it actually rhymes. you mad eme realize another form of poetry, thank you

  9. Poetry is painting with words. The notebook is your canvas. Using the right words to create imagery can make the reader feel captivated. Poetry is art without paint where instead of colors, we use words to express our emotions. I think it is a good definition because with art we use paint and a canvas to tell a story and illustrate emotions. With poetry we use words and rhythm to illustrate emotions. Poetry is a sort of freedom of speech that intrigues and persuades.
    My definition was put together by my husband, my son and myself.
    In comparison to Islam’s definition I think that we have similar views on poetry, we simply worded those views differently. She spoke of emotions and expressions and freedom of speech which I agree, are all components of the definition of poetry.

  10. ashleygp says:

    Poetry is the metamorphosis of one’s senses, experiences, fantasies, and beliefs into words and rhythmic phrases. I believe this is a good definition of poetry because when someone writes poetry the world seems endless. Everything that you see, smell, taste, experienced, witnessed, or simply known of can be expressed through words forming the beautiful work of art known as poetry. Based on my personal experience, poetry is one of the few aspects in life where there are no stringent rules about what is allowed and what is not allowed. You are free to aimlessly scribble words on paper about ANYTHING, ranging from anger, love, fear, or even expressing the complexity of experiencing none of these feelings. I really appreciate dimples74’s definition of poetry (as an artist and a poet) because I have always sensed the same feeling of numbness and relaxation when implementing both poetry and sketching. I believe that poetry is very similar to a blank canvas. Your words can sway effortlessly like a paintbrush, forming a mirage that some may recognize immediately while others may need to take a step back to analyze its beauty.

  11. inna43 says:

    What is poetry you ask? Poetry, I feel is the way one expresses themselves through “the chiseled marble of language.” Poetry is “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.” As seen throughout many poems, there are infinite ways to “translate” or interpret them. The one thing that I found particularly interesting in the article(linked below) was that “poetry is a lot of things to a lot of people,” which I agree with. I asked my sister what she thought poetry was and she said “Dr. Seuss.” Then, I went ahead and asked my brother what he thought poetry was and he responded “lil wayne’s lyrics.” Given their ages and levels of education, they both had totally different answers and this bring me back to “Poetry is a lot of thing to a lot of people.” I think that depending on your personality and career, everyone has a different definition of poetry.

  12. chung says:

    According to the, “Poetry” means the art of rhythmical composition, written or spoken, for exciting pleasure by beautiful, imaginative or elevated thoughts. Poetry is a lot of things to a lot of people. For me, Poetry is something for authors to express their feelings, situations, emotions and imaginations in beautiful ways with spontaneous words. There is no right or wrong in poetry. There is also no accurate answer for the meanings of specific word or sentence. Poetry is a piece of music with full of feelings, creativity and imagination.

    Cited: 2012. Dictionary. Com, LLC. 1 February 2012

    • Account Deleted says:

      I agree with the definition. It is full of imagery and unspoken thoughts. Sometimes poetry is a way to say something that you cannot express yourself.

  13. sze.h says:

    According to Contemporary, “Poetry is an imaginative awareness of experience expressed through meaning, sound, and rhythmic language choices so as to evoke an emotional response. The very nature of poetry as an authentic and individual mode of expression makes it nearly impossible to define.” I think it is very true because everyone can interpret a piece of literature differently. You can read something and agree with what the author is trying to say but you can also disagree and have your own feeling toward that writing.

    I also agree with kgrant8 because you can express poetry in writing beside just thinking of what poetry is. You can show everyone else what you write but the true meaning will only be true to the person who interpret it the way that person wants to.

  14. Raciel says:

    To me poetry is a complex form of art, for instance visual art such as paintings, sculptures, photographs and so on; all have their special kind of technique. The artist creating the piece is trying to express a certain emotion or idea as best they can to catch the viewers attention. In order to create a masterpiece, a simple idea turns into a long uneasy procedure to have the message properly expressed. Poets are literary artist that go through this same situation, and depending on what they want to express it can vary because of the emotion being focused on. Visual art can be easily “looked” at, but the quality of the work may or may not truly be “seen” or appreciated. Poetry is read therefor “looked” at, but when read out loud the message is “heard” and truly expressed from reader to listener. Since art is formed by human creativity and genius, poetry is the best form of art that to me properly expresses emotion with a message or lesson.

    I agree in the artistic, expressive and emotional value poetry has with jsylvesterd and islam. But isn’t poetry when looking at the fundamentals always literary. When its narrated is it not read off some kind of text. The word literature is from the latin word “litterea” meaning letter, you have to use the letter to form words, and words are read or spoken. You can’t have complete poem or any at all without writing it down, and the whole purpose of writing it down, is so it can be read by others.

    • LG29 says:

      I agree with Raciel’s definition of poetry because poetry is a form of art just with words. Poetry is easier to understand because it has words unlike art where you just have to stare and put your imagination at work.

  15. heramb08 says:

    What is poetry? the real definition of poetry according to a dictionary is “Poetry is an imaginative awareness of experience expressed through meaning, sound, and rhythmic language choices so as to evoke an emotional response.” This statement can be shown to be true and can be interpreted by the reader. Every reader will have a different opinion on a poem or rhythmic language which will trigger all different types of emotion.
    If i were to answer in my own words what poetry is, and how i would interpret it, it would be simple a way of creativity, imagination and experience in life. these three are the basic explanation of poetry. i will take each point now and expound on them giving you reasons of what i think and giving direct examples from legit places.
    firstly i say “creativity”. In my earlier encounter of psychology at BMCC, my professor Bill Roane stated, ” when we are creative we use our left side of our brain, and this is where creative ideas are triggered.” i would like to add that poetry is a language of creativity for the reason some poems has to match like in the “ABBA” or “ABAB” stanza formatting. this is creation to the highest level, because to come out with similar ending onomatopoeia, it is very difficult.
    secondly i say imagination, imagination is what we have to do with poetry. because we sometimes has to put ourselves in the writers shoe to see how he/she is thinking. therefore poetry is defiantly imagination
    thirdly poetry can also be defined as experience in life. with experience in life comes understanding of what the writer’s point of view is. I believe that experience in life is necessary and a great part of how our thinking of a poem is, it affects us if we would agree or disagree with writers view.
    in conclusion poetry is a combination of experience, great imagination, and a very creative side of thinking………

    below is the definition of poetry from the dictionary

  16. Account Deleted says:

    I think poetry can be anything someone wants it to be for instance an emotion, a song, a play or story and it can contain many different types of feelings. Poetry can also portray someone’s life experience and even a fantasy or maybe they are sending a message to a specific someone. Poetry can be written in many different languages and sometimes it can be very difficult to find the true meaning of what the poet is trying to send, but like the professor said there is no wrong meaning of poetry. I think this is a good definition because poetry is anything you want it to be and each individual may find a different meaning that maybe I cannot see.

    I agree with Raciel definition of poetry with the comparison between poetry and art because of the very fact that anyone can see a piece of art work and have a different understand of what the artist is trying to convey likewise when reading a poem.

    • famuel13 says:

      Redd’s definition of “Poetry” is very similar to mine. It sort of adds the pieces I missed in my definition. When Redd mentioned poetry being about emotions and life experience, I sort of smiled and asked myself, does a mind need to think about poetry for it to be true? Is poetry universal? Does it expand out of the mind? I do agree with Redd that poetry is whatever someones wants it to mean and I think they grasped the true nature of such a mysterious word with so little true definition.

  17. Amanda says:

    When I hear the word poetry, what comes to mind is a written or spoken way of an individual or group of people communicating their thoughts on a subject. This expresses how they feel or can be used to tell a story. Poems consist of verses, stanzas, rhyme schemes and literary devices such as simile, alliteration, imagery, repetition, etc. According to Oxford American Dictionary “In early use the word sometimes referred to creative literature”. It goes on to also say that poetry is “literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and idea by the use of distinctive style and rhythm”. Poetry overall is feelings, emotions and ideas that come out in a way to keep the reader thinking and forming their own interpretation.
    Not everyone is blessed with the talent to write poetry, it is something that comes from within. I admire the points that Kgrant8 stated because I would have never thought of bringing the aspect of religion or thought about the writing style of the books of the bible. This all comes to show that poetry is found anywhere. It could be right in front of you without realizing it.

  18. Account Deleted says:

    I believe poetry is expression and imagery. This is one of my favorite pieces; it wakes up the part of the brain that is dormant. Imagine that words come to life; in this piece it does. It uses strong emotions as people, such as love and sadness. What made me choose this poem out of others is that sometimes people forget that Love is stronger than you think.

    Love and Time

    Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others, including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all constructed boats and left. Except for Love.

    Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment.

    When the island had almost sunk, Love decided to ask for help.

    Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said, “Richness, can you take me with you?” Richness answered, “No, I can’t. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat. There is no place here for you.”

    Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel. “Vanity, please help me!”
    “I can’t help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat,” Vanity answered.

    Sadness was close by so Love asked, “Sadness, let me go with you.”
    “Oh…Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!”

    Happiness passed by Love, too, but she was so happy that she not even hear when Love called her.

    Suddenly, there was a voice, “Come, Love, I will take you.” It was an elder. So blessed and overjoyed, Love even forgot to ask the elder where they were going. When they arrived at dry land, the elder went her own way. Realizing how much was owed the elder,

    Love asked Knowledge, another elder, “Who Helped me?”
    “It was Time,” Knowledge answered.
    “Time?” asked Love. “But why did Time help me?”
    Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, “Because only Time is capable of understanding how valuable Love is.”

    • jsantos916 says:

      I agree with what Emily says. Poetry is an expression of thoughts, it gives life to words.

      Poetry is a way to express yourself, whether it is written or spoken. It is a way to let out thoughts and paint vivid pictures with words. If it is written, it speaks the unspoken. If it is spoken, it speaks the unwritten. Poetry can be interpreted in many ways, not just one. It is a compilation of words that to one person may mean something and to the next it may mean something else. A poem tells a story, a life, a feeling, a desire, a dream; sometimes poems don’t really mean what they seem. It is up to the reader to decide, the meaning of the words within a line.

  19. famuel13 says:

    The word “Poetry” is a very subjective term. It can mean anything to anyone regarding the combinations of words and what they mean to that person. An essay can be poetry to someone if they believe it because poetry is very broad in its definition. In literary definition, Poetry is supposed to be a combination of words that are given meaning by the writer. A person who reads someone else’s poetry may try to give their opinion on what it means, but will not truly grasp or understand the idea behind it. Only the person who wrote the poetry is the only one who can understand it completely. Some writers may not even understand their own poetry because one’s own thoughts and imaginations can sometimes not be understood. Poetry can come in every form of communication. Sometimes words are not enough to express the meaning behind it. Some people choose to present their poetry with symbols, imagery, movement or sounds. These different types of expressions take the word “poetry” and turn it into something undefinable. The beauty of it all is in the story, message or mysteries of a person’s mind. Is poetry part of nature itself? If it is inner, then we are all poets and it lives in all of us.

    • abdul says:

      I disagree with this statement “Some writers may not even understand their own poetry because one’s own thoughts and imaginations can sometimes not be understood” because if one doesn’t know what he/she is writing about, then it might as well be gibberish. I don’t understand how it is possible not to understand what you are writing? I definitely agree with the rest of your post.

    • dlee says:

      This is exactly what I interpret poetry to be. Like many forms of art, poetry cannot simply be defined. It must be experienced. Poetry may be art to one person, yet garbage to another.

      However, commenting on one thing you wrote, that “Only the person who wrote the poetry is the only one who can understand it completely.” Even the writer may not be able to understand completely what they are writing; leaving room for interpretation for others possibly to help the writer understand themselves better.

  20. Keren Gedeon says:

    According to poetry is the art of rhythmical composition, written or spoken, for exciting pleasure by beautiful, imaginative, or elevated thoughts. I believe that poetry has the ability to tap into our emotions and our soul and reveals something about us. Poetry isn’t always literary; it doesn’t necessarily have to be written down on paper. Poetry comes in many forms. I agree with Islam poetry is definitely a type of art, it can be expressive. It can be interpreted in many different ways. We all have our own definition of poetry. What I may see as poetry one my not and I think that’s ok. Raciel says that poetry is complex and I agree, it can consist of many different parts and it can be complicated. Poetry doesn’t always flow and it doesn’t have to rhyme. I used to write poems, my poems are all emotional because I wrote based on what I was feeling, I also liked to rhyme. I used to feel that for a poem to be good it had to rhyme but I learned. I would challenge myself to write a poem without rhyme. I enjoy listening to spoken poetry. Poetry can be so much fun. It’s not like writing an essay, BORING. Poetry is whatever you want it to be.

  21. Keren Gedeon says:

    Majority say that poetry is written or spoken, but don’t you think that poetry can be something that isn’t written or spoken? Like dance or music (not a song, Just Music)

  22. Abdul says:

    I believe poetry is a form of expressing ones’ feelings. Through poetry, a person is able to express their deepest thoughts and feelings. Poetry allows us to indirectly inform others of current events. Poets like Willie Perdomo has done exactly that. In the poem “Forty-One Bullets Of-Broadway,” Perdomo informs his readers indirectly of police brutality in a black community.

  23. abdul says:

    I believe poetry is a form of expressing ones’ feelings. Through poetry, a person is able to express their deepest thoughts and feelings. Poetry allows us to indirectly inform others of current events. Poets like Willie Perdomo has done exactly that. In the poem “Forty-One Bullets Of-Broadway,” Perdomo informs his readers indirectly of police brutality in a black community.

  24. dlee says:

    The best way for me to describe poetry would be; the painting of pictures with words. Poetry can be found in any form of writing, when emotions meet words poetry is born. It can be expressed for others to interpret or only yourself to understand, yet at the same time stay ambiguous. It is the ability to manipulate words to emulate life, to create the abstract or envision the unknown. Poetry is everywhere and can be anything; thus there is no definition for poetry, merely a representation of your own interpretation.

  25. sandyboo24 says:

    Poetry is way of expressing your emotions, deep thouhts, and passions using different writting techniques. I agree with puny07 that poetry can be a poem, song, movie, or a film. It is more than words, it is an extention of you, written down or shown on the big screen. I also believe that poetry is a form of art because artist express themselves through artwork and sometimes they are telling a story or reciting a poem through their art. When poets speak of love and passion, that catches my eye the most and makes me love poetry. The following excerpt is from a poem written to my friend from her fiance and it actually made her fall in love all over again….

    “I have this idea that you and me could be somethings kinda like Bobby and Whitney minus the drugs but then again yea we’d be addicted on our love but no price could be put on it because no one else would be able to supply it I feel kinda like a fortune teller because I have this epiphany that you and me could last well……an eternity
    but thats only if we try ……”

    As i read this poem, i knew that they had something special and something to hold on to. Some people are not able to express themselves verbally, so they would try it a different way and that is what makes everyone special in their own way. I like to express myself through writing in my diary and telling stories of my life through my words.

  26. zyxelthrone says:

    Poetry is represent ones self and what is within yourself. A paper is the canvas that we are free to express and color our emotions. Each colors on the palette are the types of poems that can be create and mix colors. Poetry can be long or short but what matter is the effort and how is express. It doesn’t have to rhythm or have other thing that poem has. The only thing that matter is it good enough for you to consider has one of you masterpiece or not.

    Every time the wind blows I listen,

    For your name.

    I look into the night for a chance

    To catch your eyes.

    You’ll never leave my heart,

    You’re etched in there with love,

    I present my soul for you to keep,

    For you hold the key to my world.

  27. Joju Qu says:

    “Poetry is an imaginative awareness of experience expressed through meaning, sound, and rhythmic language choices so as to evoke an emotional response. Poetry has been known to employ meter and rhyme, but this is by no means necessary. Poetry is an ancient form that has gone through numerous and drastic reinvention over time. The very nature of poetry as an authentic and individual mode of expression makes it nearly impossible to define.”

    I feel this definition hits the nail on the head. As a technical artist, there can only be so many interpretations through perspectives of what an ‘unusual’ poem can convey.

    Western Wind is one of such unusual nature as it plays with our modern understanding of typical language. It baffles me.

    My Papa’s Waltz had a much darker feel to it. Even without the recording that captured the true melody and mood, sensed an environment of restlessness and disorder. I could tell it was referring to domestic violence.

    I understand the nature of a poet is to be as scarce with specifics as possible, to open the reader/listener’s mind and not restrain their imagination. A poem must have it’s own life, brought on by the emotion it is endowed with by its author. There’s no doubt that Theodore Roethke embraced such dark emotions to convey a familiar moment in time to anyone with a troubled past. Who ever wrote Western Wind was trying too hard to be unique with their poetry OR left out whatever else was going through his/her head.

  28. According to Merriam Webster, poetry is writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound, and rhythm.
    To me, poetry is a collision of thoughts and feelings, creating a masterpiece of words. Poetry is the point where fantasy and reality and creates a work of art.

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  30. mchave says:

    When speaking about poetry one can be talking about many things. Given that poetry can range from music to poems to movies. Poetry is a way to express art. “Writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language choosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound, and rythm.” This defines poetry exactly how it should be defined. I agree with Windy J’s definition as well. Poetry is seen as a way to express emotons not only written work but pieces of art that impact many.

  31. samypoetry says:

    Before this class, I always thought of poetry as a way of expressing yourself through words. just as musicians express there feeling through an instrument or an artist paints a picture. I think of poetry as something artistic, which means everybody would have a different take on it. If you’ve ever been to an art gallery you will see this, people glare at the picture and share amongst themselves there view on what it can possible mean. This class has proven that. When we read “The Sick Rose” the whole class interpreted the poem in there own way and it was so fascinating to hear the reason why they saw it the way they did. I was amazed the see so many different points of views, each person backed up there view on it and it smarted making sense. That experience made me appreciate poetry a little more.

    But what exactly is poetry?, In an online article Called “What is Poetry” by Mark Flanagan,, He said “Poetry is the chiseled marble of language; it’s a paint-spattered canvas – but the poet uses words instead of paint, and the canvas is you.

    “One of the most definable characteristics of the poetic form is economy of language. Poets are miserly and unrelentingly critical in the way they dole out words to a page. Carefully selecting words for conciseness and clarity is standard, even for writers of prose, but poets go well beyond this, considering a word’s emotive qualities, its musical value, its spacing, and yes, even its spacial relationship to the page. The poet, through innovation in both word choice and form, seemingly rends significance from thin air.”

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