Tissue Box Assignment (Overview)

I must say it was a really fun experience watching both team have collaborative effort in making their respective tissue boxes. What was great was that both teams came up with different ways they presented their tissue box. One team with their video on how to create one and another with a more traditional way on how to create a tissue box with a step by step guide with pictures. After that there was great narration by the speaker of the video and great visual aids by the person actually making the tissue box. Overall great team effort by the group in their collaboration.

The second group that presented went with a more traditional and effective presentation on how to make a tissue box. What i really love about the presentation was the fact that they actually took the time and created the product in “live” time. While creating the tissue box i did encounter some misunderstanding with the wording that went along with the picture, but then i kept thinking about the presentation and remembered the key points and was able to follow through.

Overall i was able to use both methods to create a tissue box, and now i can finally try and put kleenex out of business thanks to the two groups!

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