Prof Garrastegui | SP24

05 – Process Upload W05

Students: Check out this example of how to share your process and add a comment to this page for feedback.

Along with the link, please include the following:
What is the main goal so far?
What are you struggling with?
What are you satisfied with so far?

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3 total highlights


  1. Nina Briggs

    Process Book

    My main goal at the moment is to continue researching my topic and getting a better grasp of the issue(s)

    I’m struggling with where to look for this kind of information, it seems like it would be easy find more information on the MTA. But it much more difficult to find answers to my questions. As well as time management and meeting the deadlines.

    I’m not fully satisfied with my project so far.

  2. CATO5

    here is the update link for my process book

    My main goal so far is to make sure my target audience matches with what aspect of global warming I want to talk about

    So far I think Im struggling with believing if I’m on the right track to where I want to be with this topic.

    I will say I am satisfied with the research and new Information Ive found/added so far

  3. Mercedes Alvarez

    My main goal is to identify my audience with more detail

    Im currently struggling with deciding how I want to execute my idea (what medium)

    I’m satisfied with my topic idea and research ive been collecting

  4. Andre McClarin

    Andre’s Process Book

    My main goal is to reduce the amount of racism there is towards African Amercians.

    I am currently struggling to finding more uquine ways to present the information of the topic. While the research is fine, I do want to look for different ways for African Amercians to better deal these conflicts aside from the usual signs and protest and even better showcase how they deal with the amount of racism, especially with how they react.

    I am satisfied with the direction of my research and how rasicm is presented.

  5. HarryChen

    Harry’s Process Book

    My main goal is to reduce healthcare costs for lower income people living in the U.S.

    I am currently struggling to find the best solution to lowering healthcare costs. I think there are already many healthcare acts and other companies trying to achieve the same goal. I want to take an approach that is different and narrow down my solution.

    I am satisfied with the direction of my research and understanding the struggles of my target audience.

  6. Tehila Kahen

    Process Book.docx

    • George Garrastegui, Jr

      Tehila, you ae missing…

      Along with the link, please include the following:

      – What is the main goal so far?

      – What are you struggling with?

      What are you satisfied with so far?

    • Tehila Kahen

      My main goal so far is to focus on single parent household on how minimum wage affects them and how they get by every single day. Focus on what they go through on daily basis and how they are able to take care of their kids.

       Process Book.docx

      I am not sure if I should focus on two parent household on how minimum wage affects them and how they are affected emotionally.


      I am satisfied with my research.

  7. SarahJane Hayward


    My main goal right now is to understand how sustainable packaging, and the messaging on it, impacts consumers. I want to harness that understanding to make individual impact feel important.

    Up to now I have kept my focus as far as product goes pretty broad. I think it is time that I select an industry, type of product, or company and analyze how I can create messaging specifically for that.

    I am satisfied with my insights and research so far. I think my combination of primary and secondary research along with the different breakout activities have allowed me to look at this topic from a lot of different angles.

  8. David Wu Liang

    Process Book

    My main goal is to figure out possible solution for my audience in their journey map.

    I’m struggling to create a second journey map that will lead to a different source of frustration.

  9. antigonebuzhala

    Process Book


    My main goal so far is to find the best way to change the behavior of my audience and make them reuse cardboard. Also to be more aware of the environmental impacts when they order a lot of boxes.

    I’m struggling with getting the right statement. I think I got the audience but when it comes to the impact and things I want to change I don’t know if they’re making sense.

    I’m satisfied with the information I’m getting and I’m finding lots of websites that are about cardboard recycling.

  10. Gabriel

    My Process Book

    My updated main goal is to focus more towards a specific subject of the MTA Subway System, which will be the reliability and how it lacks compared to other systems around the world.

    My struggle is making sure this idea sounds clear as it currently sounds like a “2-step problem” where I would be researching different areas focusing on my topic as opposed to focusing on the specific area of reliability. It may sound like I’m steering away from that idea when I want to research the comparisons between the MTA and other systems. If I could just narrow down this idea further to focus specifically on the reliability issue and not worry about the comparisons or finding a solution that condenses both to make it sound like a one idea.

    I’m satisfied with the breakouts clarifying the research I’m finding in order to continue moving forward on how all that would connect with my idea, and my audience demographics and user-journey coming along.

  11. Cassidy

    Process Book

    The main goal is to get the residents of Hunts Point to stop being passive about littering/garbage in their community.

    At the moment I do not have a struggle. I like where my idea is going. I particularly like my solution. I think an incentive to clean is something most of us grew up with, especially as children. I understand as we grow older we either take that lesson and run with it for the rest of our lives or we let uncleanliness be a part of who we are. But the street is something we all share, so why not give a crap. Still thinking about the incentive, I was thinking metrocards, food baskets, things that are a necessity for new yorkers.

  12. Michal Shahaf

    Here is the link to my process book.

    My main goal is to find the best solution for women to feel safe while inside the subway.

    I am currently struggling with finding material on the Internet that indicates the attacks on the subway, since most of the attacks take place in the stations themselves. However, both from my experience and from interviews with other women, the fear inside the train is different and real, since there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide, in the middle of a journey of even a few minutes. In order to move forward with the project, I have to choose whether I should change the topic to “safety at the stations” or leave the topic as it is and concentrate on the car during the ride.

    I am satisfied with my ethnographic research because I feel like I now understand my target audience, their fears, thoughts and actions.

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