You can use credits to give you back time on the deadlines.

  • If you miss a quiz deadline, you can extend the due date to by class time without penalty.
  • If you miss a quiz deadline, you can extend the due date to by class time without penalty.
  • If you missed a process book deadline, get the ability to extend the due date until the end of the week (Friday) without a penalty.
  • Move up one (1) criteria level on the methodology exercise breakouts. (Ex: move up from a Revisions Expected —> to Meets Expectations)

You can use this form to request a credit to be used. Once you have submitted this form, you will receive an email receipt. This receipt is official approval, so once you receive it, go ahead and do the thing you spent the credit on. Please use ONE FORM for EACH token spent—your credit total on your progress chart will be updated once a week.

Please use City Tech email
I am spending a credit on…(Required)