The Healing Burnout Event

LGBTQIA+ Wellbeing Series: Healing Burnout

A green flier with the text 'Healing Burnout Event' and information about the event. At the top left corner, there is a medicated heart image, and at the top right corner is a Cuny LGBTQ consortium logo. The flier has information such as the date, time, and room #. There is a purple G&S logo at the bottom left corner.


Date: May 9th 

Place: L632

Time: 4:00 PM – 5:15 PM 


The “Healing Burnout” workshop will be hosted by trauma-informed holistic health practitioner, Tara Tonini. The workshop will focus on the specific stresses experienced by LGBTQIA+ college students and support each student in integrating comprehensive wellness tools for managing stress and promoting resilience.

Participants will be educated in how to identify signs and symptoms of burnout and will leave the workshop with techniques that can be used year-round to manage stress, reduce fatigue and improve educational engagement. 

This event is for ALL LGBTQIA+ students, faculty, staff and allies. This event is conducted with the intent to be a safe space for these groups. Any form of homophobia or hate speech will not be tolerated and will result in removal of offending parties.

RSVP here

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