Response# 6

The novel of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde reminds me a lot of the other novel we read in class, Frankenstein. Although, the beginning of the novel starts off right into the setting first but doesn’t really give us a synopsis of the characters. Yes, we know Mr. Utterson is a lawyer and Mr. Enfield is a distant family member of his, but I kind of wish there was a bit more explanation towards who these characters really were in the beginning. Much like Frankenstein,Dr Jekyll reminds me a lot of Victor Frankenstein. Dr. Jekyll creates a potion to ward of his evil urges but turns out that the potion actually brought out the evil inside of him. Similarly to Frankenstein, Victor created a creature who was supposed to resemble him, but this creature rebelled towards him and as a result led to many murders and disastrous scenery’s much like Dr Jekyll did. In The novel of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Mr Hyde is the ugly character who is looked at as the bad guy, but in reality it seems that Dr Jekyll wants to make him look bad on purpose because that’s who he really is, He is simply hiding his own identity so that he can do whatever he feels like doing. He only becomes this evil character when he drinks the position so it really seems like Dr Jekyll is pleasing his evil desires while he keeps on portraying as Mr Hyde.

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One Response to Response# 6

  1. king says:

    I agree with you as in Frankenstien much like Dr. Jerkyll, Victor created something that was an outward manifestation of his psyche that resembled a being that is dubed ugly, or horrendous in both appearence, and in personality. Just the one difference is, and im going to level with you Victor may of been a narcassistic person but his intentions was never to harm anyone, but that cannot be said for Dr. Jerkyll as its shown he gets a sick kick out of letting his evil side (Mr. Hyde) out to cause pain, and suffering to everyone around him.

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