Response 4

Frankenstein was an interesting read, its gothic elements were fascinating. The story was about a person who taught himself as smart trying to make an impact for his name in the history books who ends up making a monster. In every chapter after the monsters creation, it always seemed to have a gloomy setting. It appeared as if something was gonna happen and it was not in the best interest for the protagonist. For example everyone’s death in the book. Victor could of avoided all of those deaths if he never created the monster. Each chapter something goes wrong and it leads to someone dying.

The ending of the book kept me satisfied because I actually wanted Victor to die. Everyone he cared about was dead because of him (except his mom) and it only made sense for him to die. But what caught me by surprised was finding out his life’s goal was to kill Victor and then kill himself. It made me realize that the monster living would make him suffer because he will always be alone. Even though the monster lived in the world with hopes of becoming part of society. He knew it will not happen.

Also in the end both Victor and the monster are alone. Victor lost his loved ones and the monster never had loved ones. I see it twisted because Victor had it all but because he did not handle the creature creation well (neglected family and kinda abandoned the creature), he ended up destroying his life.

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